Alternatives To Weight Loss Summer Camps For Kids And Teens

Weight loss summer camp

Children must be given ample opportunities for outdoor fun and play. And with the increasing advancement of sedative digital age it is getting increasingly difficult to put the kids to fitness and workouts for long. This is the reason why childhood obesity is alarming all around the world. Eating healthy and working out must be given as a training for the kids, else they would love their importance. The kids must be made aware how healthy choices and lifestyle can lead to a better mental and physical health and wellness. There are ample options for weight loss summer camps and also alternatives to weight loss summer camps which can be opted to help the children learn the importance of a balanced and active life.

Weight loss summer camp alternatives:

While weight loss summer camps provide a structured and organized regimen for a few weeks during the summer when kids need the time off from their sedentary lives. Also for parents who can not afford or feel these camps are not the right ones for their kids there are ample alternatives to weight loss summer camps. These include:

1- Regular summer camp in sport based activities:

Regular summer camp in sport based activitiesSport gives a great physical activity for kids and these sport based summer camps are just the right choice for your kids. These sport based summer camps focus on healthy foods and other outdoor activities which enable proper workout and training for the kids. These summer camps also teach the kids importance of healthy food and nutritive values in a particular food. Kids start become more aware and connected to lifestyle choices for a better health and wellness. And the sport based camps also provide training and skills needed in a particular sport of group or sport activities which helps in boosting self confidence and self esteem of the kids too.

2- Health and fitness coach:

Health and fitness coachNutritionists and personal health coaches are hired by some parents who feel this one to one attention can help in building stronger health and fitness of their child. These health coaches guide each and every aspect of nutrition, fitness, workout and timing between meals also how to get the best of calories consumed and how to watch the calories in a particular food. This is considered better in terms of kids adjustments as their daily routine from home stays almost same just a few additions and alterations help in faster adjustments for them

3- Swimming under personal coach:

Swimming under personal coachSwimming is the most ideal alternative for weight loss summer camps. As swimming involves a complete body transformation and workout. Also it provides more strength and peace to the mind too. Kids when join personal swimming sessions it becomes a lot easier for them to focus on their movements and workout. This enables a better and more rigorous training for them.

4- Weight watchers programs in summer:

Weight loss camps can be challenging for the pockets but weight watchers programs are considered an economical and better offering for most kids. These programs focus on reasonable weight loss and train the kids to adapt to a lifestyle which focuses on health and fitness. These are easier to undergo for beginners and the kids soon become more and more aware about their own health and wellness. Weight watchers programs provide one to one meal planning, healthy food options, training and workout routines based on BMI and also consistency which is the key to success for any agenda

[Read: How to save money on camp expenses]

5- Family camps:

Family campsThere are families where the parents have not been following a healthy lifestyle and thus this causes more damage to the kids as they are not introduced to healthy food habits and importance of workout. In such cases going for a family camp is the most beneficial step. Entire family learns about health and wellness, participates in workouts together and also learn the importance of an improved lifestyle for their family. This helps in more adjustment and understanding for kids as well as parents

6- Sport activities at home and athletics or gymnastics classes:

Adopting a sport activity like biking or running as a family for the summers can be the most exciting way of showing how health and fitness benefits us. The parents along with children can involve in these sport based activities and athletics which not just promote family health but also brings them closer than ever. Kids learn so many more aspects from their parents and seeing their parents participate encourages them to proceed in similar way

7- Weight loss schools:

There are weight loss boarding schools which offer year long programs to the kids and teens who are severely obese and have health problems. Summer camps for weight loss may just last a couple of weeks and the kids may fall back to their improper schedules shortly. But weight loss schools make it sure that the year round program makes the kids adjusted and also gain positive support from other participants around. This can be more strengthening for the kids.

8- Role model inspiration:

Role model inspirationThe kids learn more quickly and easily when their role models showcase any activity or habit. Parents are role models for the children and when parents themselves show improper and inappropriate habits to the children they can not learn how to make right choices. Kids are watching all the time, even when you don’t know. So better show what you wish the kids to learn and not what you would not what in your kids habits.

Benefits of weight loss programs and activities for kids and teens:

Benefits of weight loss programsThere are ample benefits of teaching the importance of weight loss programs and activities to kids and teens, and the sooner you instill these habits the better it becomes for their long term health and fitness. Some more benefits of weight loss programs for kids and teens includes:

1- These activities strengthens the heart and body functions:

These weight loss activities and health food choices, enrich the body functions and help in improving and strengthening a healthy heart.

2- Kids learn the importance of their lifestyle choices:

When kids are told from beginning how food and fitness can assure better health and wellness, they become more and more focused about improving and maintaining consistency in these areas. This helps in keeping them fit and active

3- They prevent childhood obesity to a great deal:

Controlling the unhealthy food indulgences and adopting physical activities can help in preventing childhood obesity. Thus keeping the kids and teens active and fit

4- Reduces stress and anxiety:

When kids eat right and workout, they have a peaceful mind and it reduces stress and anxiety for the kids. This is much needed for mental wellness for the kids.

5- These help in giving a proper routine for the kids away from digital devices:

The kids get proper routine and they begin staying away from their TV or tablet induced sedentary routines all through the day.

[Read: Why weight loss boot camps don’t work]


The above compilation on Alternatives to weight loss summer camps for kids and teens is to help parents and care takers, in putting their kids to better and improved lifestyle routines. This is very important in maintaining their health and wellness.

Check campnavigator resources for more details and insights into summer camps and special needs programs.

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