Girls Make Games And Sony Play Station To Host Game Development Camp For Young Girls


Girls make games is the pioneer in international camps, workshops and game jams for young girls in creating, inspiring and designing their own games. This years summer camp is all the more thrill with Sony play station’s interactive entertainment center hosting in its San Mateo office, CA from July 10-28. A kick-ass camp for middle and high school girls aged 11-14, to acquire the basics of the trade and guild with like minded women. This camp is sure to delight little nerds to clan and succeed.

Laila Shabir, an MIT Grad and the proud CEO of girls make games ascertains that their idea is to equip young girls with knowledge and power to build and develop their own video games. With this upcoming summer camp , this will be a successful 4th year into enriching the young enthusiastic women to become world leaders in developing video games. There is a wide gender gap in the video gaming industry despite over 45% geeks being women. Game designing is the hottest employment area for next decade. Girls make games vision is to bridge this gender gap as efficiently as possible.

Some highlights of the summer camp are:

  • Identifying and analyzing gaming ambit
  • Programming and designing for the video games
  • Publishing their video games
  • Meeting with professional game developers
  • Visiting game zones
  • Establishing collaborative partnerships
  • Scholarship opportunities with Sony play station, and mentor-ship by senior women developers

Check girlsmakegames for more information and registration

Game development campDon’t forget to check campnavigator for more, your preferred partner in selecting summer camps for your child. Make summer 2017 enriching and stimulating experience for your child.

By Minu Manisha