Why sleepaway camps are more important than ever before

Sleepaway camps

Summer is the time to have fun unwind and relax. Since we all love enjoy summer, have fun with family and go-ahead with our plans for camping trips. Some camps have always been very important part of a child’s life. Summer camps are all about memories building lasting relationships, finding your passion and being able to explore your own creative prevention.

Have you ever wondered why sleep away camps are more important than ever before, that why these are such intrinsic part of a child’s development. Overnight summer camps are not just a way of summer but also very important part of a child’s development. These summer camps enable children to explore new opportunities, check out new dimensions and be able to capture their own imagination. Summer camps give just the right platform and interface for developing minds.

Importance of sleep away camps:

1- Sleep away camps more independence:

At a sleep away camp a child learns to take charge of his own life and take his own decisions. It is very important for growing up years. To be able to learn the most important wisdom of being independent and feeling right about it.Sleep away camps more independence

2- Sleep away camps help in decision making skills for children:

Children learn the most critical skills of decision making by being a part of sleepaway camps. When kids are left at summer camps, they begin deciding for themselves, even a small decision like what to wear and what to eat becomes their own facy. And this brings them to understanding the importance of good decisions

3- Children learn to become more and more confident:

When kids begin participating in activities they get success, and their own self reflection gets enriched. They are all the more confident than ever. The challenges here are unlike the ones at school. Infact there is no competition but kids get enthused to perform in utmost wonderful ways.

4- Children learn necessary life skills:

Being at camp can help kids learn survival and life skills which otherwise they were not aware of. Beginning from how to live amid nature, how to get prepared for any adverse situations, and how to plan for uncertainity ahead. Camps guide kids in learning these skills as a part of their training curriculum.Children learn necessary life skills

5- Children when go for a sleepaway camp, get unplugged from technology:

It is very important to do away with the most sedative of techonological advancements, which have taken the childhood outdoor fun. There are no tablets, video games or mobiles allowed 24 by 7 at overnight camps so kids learn to enjoy without invlving in technology

6- Learn social skills like never before:

Being a part of a multi cultural group and staying together all day and night, gives the kids a chance to groom their social skills like never before. they begin interacting beyond their own social circles at home or at school. They also learn to trust others and make best friends for life too

7- Connecting with nature:

When kids are away at camp site for over nights camps, they get a chance to connect with nature. They begin exploring natural surroundings and also start enjoying the serenity there in. This is very important for the kids who have always lived in their urban homes and never got a chance to connect with nature

8- Sleepaway camps help in creative stimulation:

When kids get ample time and opportunity to explore their creative self, they begin driving their creative self too. Thei passion and situation helps them in gaining wonderful insights into activities and events taking shape around.

9- Kids learn to control their own temper:

When away from their homes, for overnight camps; kids learn to control their anger and emotions too. At home they are never in full control but when at summer camp they begin finding discipline in themselves too

10- Sleep away camps are helpful in grooming career connections for further:

Most children find their ultimate passion and forte at sleepaway camps. They are given detailed insights into lots of activities like art, sport, musics, dance and many others too. Which helps in learning the details and also the kids begin to explore within themselves too.

The above compilation on Why sleepaway camps are more important than ever before is to help children and parents learn more about the benefits of a sleep over camp and how it can influence and inspire a child

Check campnavigator resources for more updates and insights into summer camps and other programs. Share ahead and keep writing us, we love hearing from you!

By Minu Manisha