Fun Easter Activities for Kids

Easter Activities for Kids

Now that winter has turned to spring and the flowers have begun to blossom, we know that Easter is fast approaching. For me, Easter always brings back fond memories of my childhood – all pastels and playful fun. And Easter is the perfect opportunity to create bonding experiences with your child and with your family. After all, what better way to spend the holiday than to enjoy some fun activities with your little one(s)? From Easter egg decorating to DIY Easter crafts, here are a few creative activities to partake in with your child this Easter!

1. Secret Easter Bunny

Secret Easter BunnySimilar to the holiday classic “Secret Santa”, this spring twist will make for a fun family experience. Each family member is given the name of another and must stuff a plastic Easter egg with a couple knick-knacks and decorate the egg however they wish. Recipients can take turns opening their eggs and guessing who their “Secret Easter Bunny” is!

2. Easter Egg Decorations

Easter Egg DecorationsThis is a classic Easter activity, and for good reason! There are so many possibilities when it comes to decorating eggs, and your child is sure to have a good time doing it. You can use Jello packets as dye for your hard-boiled eggs and use watercolors to paint and draw on eggs. You can use Easter stickers or glitter glue to decorate the eggs as well. Get creative and maybe even involve your kid in shopping for supplies!

3. Egg Scavenger Hunt

Egg Scavenger HuntIf you’re looking to find a new and exciting way to conduct Easter egg hunts, why not try making it into a scavenger hunt that will keep your child busy and entertained for a couple hours? Fill each egg with a clue or riddle that leads to the location of the next one until they reach the final one, which can be a special prize of your choosing!

4. Easter Egg Hunt in the Dark

Easter Egg Hunt in the DarkAnother fun way to go about the classic egg hunt is to have an Easter egg hunt in the dark. You can either purchase glow-in-the-dark eggs or a packet of glow sticks to put in each egg. This adds an exciting element to an already beloved holiday activity, and it can take place outdoors in the evening or indoors with the lights out!

5. Egg and Spoon Race

Egg and Spoon RaceThis game is not only be a great way to spend time with your kids, it’s also a great way to get them outdoors and moving! Use hard-boiled eggs, dyed if you’d like, and have everyone place the egg carefully on a spoon. Hold the other end of the spoon in your mouth and try to keep it steady as you race from the start the finish line. The first person to make it all the way without dropping their egg wins!

6. Guess the Number

Guess the NumberThis is a fun activity to do if you’re having an Easter party or if you have a lot of kids present. Fill a jar or any clear container with chocolate eggs and count out the eggs as you do. Then, present the jar to the kids and ask them to write down on a piece of paper the number of eggs they think are in the jar. At the end of the activity, reveal the correct number, and the person with the closest number gets to have the jar!

7. Pin the Tail on the Bunny

Pin the Tail on the BunnyThis one is a simple twist on the classic “Pin the Tail on the Donkey” and it’s definitely a fun game to game with young children. The rules are all the same, just swap out the donkey for a large print of an Easter bunny. For the tail, use large craft pom-poms of different colors with tape on one side and see who gets the tail in the right spot!

Have fun and Happy Easter!