Need for summer academic programs

summer academic programs

Unlike the tangible perks of a summer program, the intangible benefits are difficult to pin down. Beside home and school, summer programs are one of the many monads that form an adult. And while very few kids feel the influence of summer experiences then, it’s only as adults do they realize how their lives have been enriched and layers have been added to their overall development.

During three months of summer break, nearly all kids suffer loss of knowledge and skills. Post holidays, the academic performance of most kids lag by a month, from the place they left off in spring. As students lose a chunk of their learning over the summer and some students need to slog more to master content, enrolling in summer academic programs helps to mitigate learning loss and even boost academic gains.

A wad of educators and policymakers bet on summer learning as a key strategy to enhance the academic performance of all students, especially the weak-performing ones.

Experts say that students who enroll into summer programs yield better academic results than peers who don’t.

But mind you, not all summer learning programs always result positive outcomes. Only when the academic program is of the highest quality and when campers are diligent and regular, can these camps yield best results.

Most summer academic programs has provisions like individualized instruction, parental involvement, small class sizes that can further help the students.

Just like there exists camps for kids interested in athletics or arts, similarly for kids wanting to give their grades a boost, there exists academic camps that exists to develop skills to highest possible level. What more, most summer programs offer eligible students from all over the country and around the world the opportunity to engage in challenging academic work in the company of peers who share their exceptional abilities and love of learning.

While the spotlight is on rigorous academics and learning, the social experience that results from bringing these students together is an integral part of most academic program.