A day at Pennsylvania Free Enterprise Week!

Pennsylvania Free Enterprise

The three decade old Summer Camp ideal for employees and employers equipped each with adequate armory in case for an emergency to shift roles. The whole format has been devised by time tested curriculum that at the end of it, one starts loving to play any part in a big organization. While fun is unlimited peer mentoring is to the core, along with lively activity best suited to easily understand.

Let us now discuss how the first day unwinds at this place. Being a camper it takes time to reach this Pennsylvanian camp and then some more to settle down in the dormitory. Once all this over the entire batch is asked to assemble in the center of the camp.

Then the actual fun begins with the division of the teams. Each team would have a CEO, CFO, some middle-management staff who would take care of accounts, prepare advertisements, marketing personnel who would design strategies. Then on a day-to-day basis each unit is given a list of assets owned by the group on paper, the demands of the products and questions the way the group plans to reach the target of better sales.

Initially the whole concept increases the eagerness in the campers and slowly they get into the jacket of the character portrayed by them and learn how to get the best of the team, while understanding that team work means more successful work. The experience is thrilling for upcoming who would like to branch out innovate.