Outdoor Boot Camp Workouts Without Any Equipment


Summer calls for lots of outdoor time with fun and spirited fitness activities. Embrace your summer outings with some killer workouts with our compilation on,”outdoor boot camp workouts without any equipment” Some of these body weight exercises will improve your balance, flexibility and strength without having to worry about equipments. Carve that tantalizing body with just a few minutes of military training workout specifics. Let the insane intensity and passion for fitness be the driving force, and stay inspired all through the summer.

All you need is a 20-30 minutes and yes, your burning desire to shed some pounds off your presence. From legs, chest to abs and thighs, we cover your full body toning needs. So get out and get the blood flowing for some adrenaline pumping workouts which are not only strength based but also too invigorating. Brace up to rejuvenate with some healthy and positive energy oozing summer of 2017.

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Outdoor Boot Camp Workouts without any equipment includes:

1- Inchworm:

InchwormInchworm is a full body workout and mimics the insects movement on ground so its called inchworm. Follow the below steps:

  • Full body workout
  • Stand straight with feet at hip width
  • Hinge forward at waist and touch the floor with your palms, you may bend your knees if you like
  • Walk your hands forward and let your full body weight be on hands and toes
  • Let you body be in straight line and hands in line ahead from shoulder
  • Hold for 15 seconds
  • Again walk your feet forward to meet your hands
  • Keeping your palms on the floor and you may bend the knees
  • Repeat for 5 times and repeat again by turning back in opposite side

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2- Full body plyo workout:

Full body plyo workoutPlyometrics are high-intensity exercises, known for their quick calorie blasting and body toning effects. This fast workout is more fun filled than any other such and with high intensity it is sure a weight losing quick fix. Jump, hop and skip like a kid to enjoy this intense and rigorous workout.

  • Start with squats
  • Then broad jump
  • x overs
  • Jump squats
  • Weighted ball pass and release

3- Lunge walks:

Lunge walksFor thighs and rear areas, lunge walks are an excellent workout. It stretches hip flexors and gives a warm-up or cool-down effect. Follow the below steps:

  • Stand upright with your feet together
  • Now take a controlled step forward with your right leg
  • Lower your left leg in 90 degree but the knee not touching the ground yet.
  • Press your right heel onto the ground
  • Push off with left foot to bring it forward, like a lunge in the other side
  • Repeat 10-15 such reps

4- Mountain climber:

Mountain climberMountain climber is a compound and complex exercise. It aids heart health and joint movement. It is a fast paced exercise and requires a lot of coordination.

  • Start as a push up position with arms and legs stretched out
  • Bend one knee bringing closer to your chest and toes on the ground
  • Repeat the same with other leg

5- Stair climb:

Stair climbLet your stairs be a cardio machine. Just brisk up and down the stairs with firm and balanced posture.

6- Burpees:

BurpeesBurpee or squat thrust is a dynamic movement workout. They are effective and challenging at the same time. Awesome calorie-torching and muscle binding full body workout. Follow the below steps for Burpee:

  • Stand up with feet at shoulder width, weight on your heels and arms on sides
  • Push hips back to bend your knees and lower as in a squat
  • Place you hand directly in front on the floor and shift your weight onto them
  • Jump your feet back and land on your feet just outside of your hands
  • Reach your arms over your head and jump in the air
  • Repeat for 15-20 times

7- Wall Sit:

Wall SitA great balance and thigh toning exercise. This builds up strength and flexibility too.

  • Stand near a wall pushing your back towards it
  • Now slide your back down maintaining full control and balance, similar to sitting on a chair.
  • Make your thighs parallel to the ground
  • keep your back straight and hold this for 1 minute
  • Repeat for 20-30 times

8- Bridge and curl:

Bridge and curlWorks great for abs, hips, hamstring and butt.

  • Lie face up on the ground, arms on the sides, knees bent and feet flat
  • Squeeze a soccer ball under your knees to make it more rigorous
  • Keeping knees tightly tucked curl hips off the ground and bring knees towards your chest
  • Return to ground and lift hips and make a straight line from knees to chest.
  • Repeat for 10-15 times

9- Liftoff:


  • Stand with feet together and arms by the sides
  • Bend forward from hips, until back is parallel to the ground
  • Extend your arms down
  • In the meanwhile lift left leg behind your body and raise both the arms towards sides.
  • You are on one foot and balance this for a minute
  • Repeat 10-12 times

10- Bicycle on ground:

Bicycle on ground

  • Lie down on the ground with knees bent and hands behind the head
  • Bring left knee towards the chest and right elbow in towards that knee
  • Straighten the other leg meanwhile
  • Continue as cycling on the floor

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Things to know before you begin these Outdoor Boot Camp Workouts without any equipment:

Outdoor Boot Camp Workouts1- These workouts are intense
2- Check with your healthcare provider before attempting any
3- These are challenging and need full devotion with warm-up, cool-down and proper posture
4- Wear appropriate gears and special precaution with shoes
5- Make all the moves more subtle and firm and do no jerk with any step
6- Try and have plenty of fluids an hour prior to workout to prevent any excess loss of fluids or salts from body
7- For any health related issues check with your healthcare provider before beginning.

Outdoor Boot Camp equipmentOutdoor Boot Camp Workouts without any equipment, is compiled to help your plan your summer with fitness and body toning. Make the most of outdoor fun with rigorous and strength training exercises for a full body transformation.

Check campnavigator for an elaborate listing on summer camps and special programs, make this summer an enriching and exciting one.

By Minu Manisha