Best summer camp costume ideas

camp costume ideas

For all those looking for camping costume ideas we have some wonderful compilation. Best summer camp costume ideas to make your special time this summer and beyond even more memorable. These summer camp costume ideas are great for the bonfire at these camps and also amazing for any halloween party as well. Summer camp pop culture is all about wearing the trend. The popular culture camping traditions, can be made into some special costumes.

Summer camp costume ideas for campfire or halloween dress up:

Keep the camp culture in mind and plan your costumes with funky and crazy inspirations from camps. There are some scintillating camping costumes which have become popular at most dress up events and halloween parties. Some wonderful camp costume ideas include:

1- S’mores:

S’moresPrep up your summer camping costume with the most authentic summer camp traditions, yes! s’mores dress up. Individual or group summer camp inspired s’mores costumes are very popular and specially with a family or group of 4 standing in line as a ready to eat s’more.

How to make S’more costume at home:

  • Bring some cardboard and cut it in shape of graham crackers
  • Get a white colored round cushion cover and stuff it around your waist filled with old clothes or foam to shape up like marshmallow
  • Draw hershey chocolate on a card board and put around for the show
  • Also fun by tying these pieces drawn on cardboards and hung on head can be a great wear

2- Summer camp bug juice:

Summer camp bug juiceA koolaid juice can be transformed into a summer time bug juice box. Draw a smilie on card board and stuff around your body. Make a cap in white and handle in light shade. Don’t forget to catch a straw on the top.

3- Toasted marshmallows:

What better costume than a marshmallow which is toasted, every child would love to dress in this. Just bring on some cardboard and make a cylinder to be worn overhead. Now color it in brownish shades to add toasted appeal. Wear brown pants and brown shoes to finish up your camping look

4- Burger and hot dogs:

Burger and hot dogsA traditional camping meal can be your next costume at a party, and burger and hotdogs are just the right kind of meal you would want to display.

5- Lets go camping:

Lets go campingA camping RV as your next costume for a gathering is a brilliant as anything else. Just make some cardboard boxes set up into an RV and wear it over you, make sure to color it in the shades of your RV and here you go

6- Campfire:

CampfireA campfire costume is a lovely get up for most fond memories of a summer camp are made around that. Make it at home with an orange T shirt or a jacket. Fix small cotton pieces, colored in yellow and white all over the tee such that it makes a look of campfire.

7- Lets go camping family camping costume:

Lets go camping family camping costumeEveryone gets to make one important part of the camp, from campfire to first aid to hiking gear and campsite. All inclusive camping costume

8- Popcorn:

PopcornDress up as a popcorn bag and add some real popcorns too for more fun. A simple drawing on chart paper and fixed on a cardboard to be worn around is great for popcorn camping costume.

9- Ice cream cone with cherry on top:

Ice cream cone with cherry on topA wonderful and delightful costume idea with a cone made out from cardboard and stuck around the waist and Cotton balls make into the vanilla scoop with some sprinkles and red cap for the cherry on top

10- Homemade tent as costume:

Homemade tent as costumeSummer camps in a remote location make the most important costume suggestion in the form of tents. Just tie around an old tarp or a bed sheet to make a tent formation on the kid.

The above compilation on Best summer camp costume ideas is to help you dress in the most camp friendly costumes. All of these and more can be easily made at home with some art and craft work.

Check campnavigator resources for more details

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By Minu Manisha