Be the next Website Wizard with STS Summer Camp

STS Summer Camp

Think you’re too old to go to a summer camp? If so, think again! Software Training for Students announces a week-long class series during the summer that would entirely focus on topics like web development and computer programming.

Yes, it’s true! STS is hosting Website Wizardry, your once in a lifetime opportunity to learn new tech skills, meet new people, and enjoy good times.

To be held between June 9-13, 2014 from 10am-3pm each day at B109 Computer Sciences, here campers will learn how to build a complete mobile-ready website in just a week!

Not just that. In course of the amp, campers will learn all about HTML, CSS, mobile design, web graphics, jQuery, and a heap of other interesting topics.

Each day of the camp will cover 2-3 hours of hands-on instruction as well as dedicated time to work on your own project.

The camp is limited to 15 attendees. So interested campers will have to hurry! To register, please Click here. The last day of registration is May 9, 2014. So hurry! The camp is open to UW-Madison students registered for summer or fall 2014 courses only.