Behavior management techniques for camp counselors to be enforced during summer camps

Behavior management

Summer camps can be challenging and full of fun. When it comes to managing the campers, counselors often find it difficult how to pacify an ill behaved camper and bring them back to routine life at summer camp. Tackling behavior issues is a very sensitive and significant part of the summer camp counselor job. Worry not, we have summer camp behavior management ideas to help you out in a structured and soothing way

Behavior management techniques for camp counselors to help the campers:

While all the campers are thrilled and excited to be at the summer camp, some are struggling home sickness and some others may be disturbed by other things. Discipline issues may be mild or severe but every camper needs to get food, safety and shelter at all times during the course of summer camp. In no way can anyone’s safety be jeopardized. Some behavior management techniques for counselors include:

1- Ice breaking:

A healthy and strong first bond needs to be developed to keep all the campers in sync with the summer camp. Easiest way to give them some informal time and also be a part of team building activity. The quicker a camper learns to identify the team skills and collaborate the easier it gets to keep them inspired. Bad behaviors occur when either the camper feels lonely or is bullied or deprived of something.

2- Get the details before hand:

Learn details about each camper even before the summer camp begins. Also read through all the applications and try to figure out who are the first time campers. These may need more attention and softer treatment specially. They may be used to helicopter parenting and be too homesick as soon as they enter summer camp premises. So be sure to have some more thrilling activities planned for such campersGet the details before hand

3- Keep the schedule intact:

Being into routine and keeping busy helps in avoiding a lot of behavior issues. Start your day as soon as you all meet and right away proceed with the day’s schedule. Do not give too much random free time, plan the free time such that it is most effective and enjoyed rather than cause behavior issues

4- Keep it simple:

Be accessible and give simple directions. Do not cause any camper to miss any of your advices by making the commands too complex. Just try to be simple and sweet as campers love to be pampered and yet kept under discipline norms

5- Be positive:

Optimism is great when it comes to anything which involves human behavior. No one likes negativity for themselves so keep your positive thoughts up and about. Do not give commands like don’t run fast you may fall but give more positive appealing commands like walk around here. A camper may even intentionally do things which are not allowed or even unintentionally but as a good camp counselor you must keep calm and think before acting. Show your positive self alwaysBe positive

6- Make the rules clear:

Allow the first few minutes to share the rules clearly too. Every camper must know whats allowed and what needs to be corrected in terms of behavior. Try and be as inspirational as you can to avoid severe issues

7- Have one to one time:

Do no try to correct any camper when everyone else is around. Making fun and pointing in a grop can lead to more severe behavioral issues. So have one to one bond also strong with all the campers. Sit them down and talk to them rather than finding fault. They may have reasons for their behavior which you need to know before taking a call

8- For the campers you have figured as problem ones try and bring more encouragement for participation:

You may have figured out a few campers which may be problem ones. Have some exciting and thrilling activities to keep them inspired and motivated to be a part of the camp in utmost righteous ways.

9- Be a role model and a positive influence:

Its not difficult as a camp counselor at all, to be a positive influence and a role model. Try and keep inspiring the campers to enjoy to the fullest. Being a role model requires some traits like doing everything well yourself, what the campers must be taught to do. Also be their friend and guide rather than just an instructor. The more you capture their mind and hearts the better it is for the campers to look up to you

10- Mark a perfect blend of fun and free time:

No camper should feel there is immense work and no free time. Everyone should get a healthy free time which brings the group even more closer and reduces a chance of severe behavioral issues. But for campers who are a threat to self or others you may have to take some more serious steps or even inform the camp director or parents tooMark a perfect blend of fun and free time

The above compilation on Behavior management techniques for camp counselors to be enforced during summer camps, is to help the campers enjoy their summer camps in utmost righteous ways. Also keeping the safety, healthy and happiness of all the campers intact

Check campnavigator resources for more details. Share ahead and keep writing us, we love hearing from you!

By Minu Manisha