Benefits of Summer Camp in Formative years of a child

Benefits of Summer Camp

Experiences transform a child into an adult with specific personality. A child learns more and more by being a part of activities rather than just being told or shown. And summer camps are the right kind of place eat right time for the child. Benefits of Summer camp in formative years of a child are ample, and they help a child shape her own self and explore the environment around. When a child attends a summer camp, she learns to explore skills and interests within, form meaningful relationships, problem solving and decision making skills, become more and more confident and more importantly identify life and living beyond the pleasures of home. Summer camps help in shaping the more individual aspects of resiliency skills: Bounce back from a stressful situation.

As a parent we always strive to provide most stimulating and invigorating experiences for our child. Education and experience have a direct equation, the more you gain experience more you learn practical life skills. It is of major importance for the child, to be able to explore self and learn in an unstructured and fundamental setting.

Benefits of Summer Camp in Formative years of a child are:

1- Development of social skills:

Development of social skillsChildren learn to stay together. Be empathetic and more team oriented. They learn and develop their own social norms. Major social skills that develop in children from camp experiences are:

# Team work and Team management
# Improve negotiation skills
# Develop a stud EQ (Emotional quotient)
# Make decisions on their own without parental influence
# Make friends and help each other
# Communication skills
# Leadership skills

[Also Read: Summer camp safety tips]

2- Development of Resiliency Skills:

Development of Resiliency SkillsResiliency if the ability to bounce back from turbid and stressful state. Children have to learn to take failures in the righteous spirits. And the more important part here, to try again and again and never lose hope. This is extremely important for a happy and healthy life ahead. At home the life is bubble wrapped in a shell, children do not have idea about challenges and how to walk through them successfully. At camps they learn them all

# Self confidence
# Self reliance
# Self reliance
# Team building skills
# Try again and again
# Failure is a part of life, learn to rise above it
# Empowered through their accomplishments
# Responsibility and accountability
# Resourcefulness
# Self respect
# Character and personality building
# Both hard and technical skills and soft or psychological skills

3- Stay healthy and fit:

Stay healthy and fitCamps have a well defined curriculum, providing ample opportunities to make them physically fit and strong. Some adventurous, thrilling and sport centric camps are extremely helpful in shaping and toning kids body and giving them the much needed felxibility. At camps these fin activities are much disguised as fun and thrill. Children become adroit and deft in activities they are involved in. “Camp is all about action and thrill”

4- Explore self and develop life long skills:

Explore self and develop life long skillsAt camps more organized and hands on training are provided to children. They learn through right instruction and develop their interests , talents and hobbies. Some of the most prominent sports stars, intellectuals, artists and individuals have attributed their success to formative years at camp. Camps provide prolific equipments for children to identify and gain proficiency

5- Community service:

Community serviceChildren learn to live with others and become more responsible citizens. They begin to care for self and each other and this helps them shape their community skills.

# Empathy towards one another
# Care each other
# Citizenship
# Build and develop trust
# Act fair

[Also Read: Benefits of summer reading camps at public libraries]

6- Unstructured and active play:

Unstructured and active playChildren need the active play time to imagine and enjoy in their own creative ways. Most children do not get ample time for creative play at home. Camps are ideal for providing the stimulating conditions and giving ample active play time.

7- Develop Leadership skills:

Develop Leadership skillsLeadership skills are very important and the sooner they develop the richer a child’s hold will be. It is important to stand up for self, show courage and speak what your believe in. Leadership is innate and acquired so early on in life, if children get to lead and enrich from experiences. It makes them a leader par excellence.

8- Connect with nature:

Connect with natureCamps are more in the natural settings and sometimes away from the city. This gives a chance to connect with nature and life. Children Learn the basic intricacies of how survival and interaction among living beings occur. This also provides an insight into real world problems of environment and energy.

9- Grow up:

Grow upChildren become independent and grow up in making decisions, in working on their likes and strengths. Camps help a child in exploring strengths and weaknesses in a very conducive way

10- Make life long friends:

Make life long friendsI have made my closest friends at camps. As they bring like interests together and help in making one enjoy as they learn. Some friendships begin from camps and they stay close forever. This helps in giving a child good social bonds and helps in learning from each others experiences.

[Also Read: Questions to ask before joining a summer camp]

Benefits of Summer Camp in Formative years of a child are ample. As parents we must provide them a chance to unwind from daily household being and be a part of enriching clan. Keep looking for your child’s interests and hobbies to select the right camp. Give more and more experiences to your child rather than just school education. This will help in shaping a more independent and successful individual.

By Minu Manisha