Best Pranks During Summer Camp


Summer camps are interesting, exciting and full of thrill. Kids learn to connect, explore life together and get acquainted with new exciting information. But most important they

will learn to spend good part of their lives finding a stash of humor with their peers. So we bring some clean and fairly safe compilation on best pranks during summer camp. As a caution just remember, “do not over do” its more about safety and then for humor. Some of these activities are so memorable that they become the most exciting part of the summer camp.

[Also Read: Summer camp safety tips for kids]

Why pulling pranks at summer camps is the in-thing:

1- Playing clean pranks is a way to rewind and add some humor to the daily routine
2- Most counselors at summer camps are young and energetic, so pulling pranks is sometimes a part of ice-breaking session in their curriculum
3- Pulling pranks helps in connecting well. Most kids come as strangers and when they stay together, be a part of the pranks and enjoy, they get connected well
4- Summer camps are more about building memories, of learning and of fun. So pranks are most important for the added fun part
5- It helps in averting boredom and fueling the excitement quotient high.

[Also Read: Benefits of summer camps for child]

pranks at summerWarning for those who plan pranks at summer camp:

There is an extremely thin line between pranks and bullying. Do not cross this, and keep the pranks simple, clean and fun for everyone. Don’t make anyone nervous or upset with any pranks. All kids have gathered for an enriching time and keep it fun filled and eclectic for them

Best Pranks During Summer Camp:

1- Balloon under pillow:

Balloon under pillowJust put an inflated balloon under the pillow of fellow camper and see the bursting fun when they he’d to bed. Even more exciting with a water filled balloon, wet soaking fun in summer is ideal and clean.

2- Petroleum Jelly on door knob:

Petroleum Jelly on door knobEver tried to open a door with oily hands? you would know how funny it is when hands keep sliding off the knob. Just apply petroleum jelly on all sides of door knob and wait till you see the fun

3- Toothpaste prank:

Toothpaste prankWhen a fellow camper is sleeping, just put a drop of toothpaste in his open mouth. Wait till it foams and see the fun

4- Mud in sleeping bag:

Mud in sleeping bagPut some wet mud on sleeping beg and wait for the morning, the poop smitten sleeping bag is all set for a fun day.

5- Draw the face:

Draw the faceAfter fellow camper has called it a day, just bring washable markers and paint his face halloween style. See the fun when he wakes up out and about in the morning unaware till a funny peak into the mirror

6- Put pretzels under sleeping bag:

Put pretzels under sleeping bagMake a generous layer of pretzels under sleeping bag. And wait till the victim shuts off the lights and lies down. A hilarious crackling prank. That sure will bring bouts laughter

7- Saran wrap on toilet seat:

Saran wrap on toilet seatMostly works at night or under dim lights. Just spread saran wrap on toilet seats and let the victims go for the dump. A funny quirky prank.

8- Spider on head:

With yarn and halloween supplies put up a spider web with huge spider just around the part where victim will wake up to. This can be done only after victim is asleep

9- Superglue to the rescue:

Use superglue and fix a wonderful movie CD cover only (be sure to take off the CD from cover) on a place at the ground. See the fun when victims try to pick it

10- Switch shoes:

Switch shoesGo around the entire area and jumble shoes with right of A with left of Z and so on. Wait for the morning run to find your shoe match.

11- Switch sleeping bags:

For fast sleepers, this is an effective prank. Just pull the sleeping bags with victim and change their place of sleep. This can be done when they are sleeping. Check the reaction when they wake up at strange rooms or places

12- Food color in toothpaste:

Food color in toothpastePut a strange food color like violet or dark maroon drop in tooth paste and see the reaction when victim is up for brushing his teeth.

13- Decorate the hair: When victim is asleep decorate the hair with accessories like snap clips, barrels and bows. Specially on boys. and wait till they wake up to see their fun filled hairdo.

14- Peanut butter in the shoe: A little gooey and sticky surprise in the shoe. Fun and lot of work to clear the smear

15- Fix placards: Make funny placards with quirky notes. and put up behind the shirts of victims. While they are unaware of the same. Let them take a stroll and enjoy the fun.

[Also Read: Summer camp safety tips before choosing a camp]

Few ground rules before attempting a prank:

ground rules for prank1- Don’t be mean to anyone.
2- Remember you are doing it to spread fun and laughter and not hatred or tears
3- No one should get hurt physically or mentally.
4- Choose age appropriate pranks
5- Never haunt or scare any victim, they may get home sick and pranks may fall flat.

Best Pranks During Summer Camp, is based on suggestions from kids and is meant to spread laughter and cheer. By reading and by adopting as a prank for upcoming summer. Do remember the warning and ground rules before proceeding.

Enjoy finding your summer camp from our elaborate listings at campnavigator. We have some enriching and exciting line ups for your ward.

By Minu Manisha