10 quick and easy icebreaker games for your summer camp

icebreaker games

Summer camps are wonderful and exciting times for any child. The mere experience of being a part is enough to build strong relationships and memories for life. Though everyone ultimately bonds and becomes a part of the larger team, but the introductory phase of the camp stays the hardest.

The initial anxiety, being new to the camp and just the feeling of being away from home for this long makes the first few hours difficult. And this is the time to capture the kids thoughts and imagination, with some invigorating camp icebreaker games.

Camp icebreaker games are designed such that they have a widespread and positive impact on a child’s character, interpersonal skills and self-confidence. The kids learn to cope up with their initial discomfort levels, and they rise above them to be a part in total, of the summer camps.

Even the counselors may be rookie and their first ever stint at the summer camps may make them nervous and anxious. Summer camp icebreaker games are an opportunity to make campers and camp counselors more comfortable with each other. These games and activities are not just for kids but also include some camp icebreakers for adults too.

Some of the summer camp icebreaker games include:

camp icebreaker1- Jumbled introduction:

This is a game i played even at my MBA class, the fun and spirits this game gets you in, is just amazing. It raises the morale and instill enthusiasm for the larger goal of the group. Just stand in a circle and begin with first round of introduction. Everyone has to say 3 things; full name, favorite color and aspirations for future as in what would you like to be. All answers in one word. Proceed clockwise everyone saying just the of these words at their chance. Now allow some break and again reform the circle. Ask everyone now to speak the name of the person standing right of them, favorite color of the person standing left of them and aspiration of themselves. This can be made fun with more humorous questions.

Morale of this camp icebreaker game: To make everyone remember names and add fun with learning more about each other

2- Clap and count:

This is also the most favorite game we played at every level. It can be tricky for every age group and is bound to bring laughter and smiles. Make the kids stand in a circle. As a camp counselor you can be the person making them play. Stand at the centre and ask them to begin say in multiples of 3. Everyone gets a chance to speak. It begins from 1, 2 and the person who has 3 should not speak it but clap. Similarly clap at 6 9 12 15 and so on till it continues. Who ever fumbles is out. And everytime someone is out begin again with multiples of different numbers like 2 4 5 and so on.

Morale of this camp icebreaker game: Bringing everyone close and introducing at a very upbeat noteClap and count

3- Memory circle; one from camp name games:

Stand in a circe and begin with one person speaking his name. Then the person next to him saying first persons name and adding his own name further. Again the third person saying 1st ones name followed by 2nd ones name and then his own name. Same way keep on adding and making the kids remember the name and the series they learnt the names in. Additionally you may add name and favorite animal or fruit to it, and the same memory circle to go on.

Morale of this camp icebreaker game: To remember names of everyone in a fun way

4- Rock, paper, scissors:

This game is very popular for a group of kids. Just remember Rock sign is a clinched fist and it beats scissor since it is more powerful than a scissor. The scissor is the two fingers from right hand, and its more powerful than a paper since it cuts the paper. The paper sign is a flat hand, it is more powerful than a rock since it covers the rock.

Make 2 sub groups and allow kids to have a series of these signs they will show to the other group. At go all group members from one group show same pre-decided sign and the other group does the same. Whichever group has powerful sign wins, then again the winning group is split and make 2 sub groups to continue until 2 kids play for themselves and one winner is resulted.

Morale of this camp icebreaker game: Raise the spirits and help in getting adjusted

5- Blanket game:

Split the group into two sub groups. Now raise a blanket in between. Then every group has one person standing and drop the blanket. Both of them have to say the name of the other one standing before that person does. The one who says it at last gets to go to the winning group. The game ends with one person remaining.

Morale of this camp icebreaker game: For introducing names of everyone

6- Name and throw the ball:

Everyone stands in a circle. And one person passes the ball to the one right opposite him by shouting out the other one’s name. If the name is wrong the thrower is out, if the person named cant catch it, then he is out. Continue until one person remains as winner.

Morale of this camp icebreaker game: To remember names of everyone and energize them

7- Shlubadub:

This is a strangely named game to learn the names of one another quickly. The counselor gets to tag first, he or she can look at one child and say shlubadub, and that person has to speak his first name. Then counselor looks at another person and can say either shlubadub or that person’s name and that person has to say shlubadub. Continue for some time till everyone gets a hang of this game. Now introduce the elaborate rules. Counselor will say shlubadub 3 times and before he finishes the person who is looked has to shout his name three times. This is a speed game an anyone who misses is out.

Morale of this camp icebreaker game: To remember names in a fun filled way

Spin the bottle

8- Spin the bottle:

This is a fun filled game. Make the kids stand in a circle and the camp counselor spins the bottle. With the bottle lid pointing to someone and bottle base to someone else. The base person can ask one question to the one who gets the pointed lid side. And has to answer. Either any personal question or any task. If the person refuses they are out.

Morale of this camp icebreaker game: Add some fun and build memories with this game

9- Find your partner:

At the camp entrance provide bands to each kid. And make two bands similar in color to be given to different people. For summer camp icebreaking game put everyone blindfolded and play music. Now ask them to find the other one having same color and pattern, make it more tricky with colors being same but designs different for some. The one who finds first is the winner. Make this pair stay for a few days as camp co-workers. This will add more fun and friendships to the group.

Morale of this camp icebreaker game: To bring the group close to each other and introduce

10- Sign language:

Provide a series of tasks to one person from each sub group of 3 people. Let that person stay mum and enact or show signs for the tasks so written on the paper. The group has to proceed and finish it without the one who read, speaking out anything.

Morale of this camp icebreaker game: To raise the spirits and bond them together.

Importance of summer camp icebreaker games:

Importance of summer camp1- These camp icebreaker games make it easy for everyone to connect
2- Camp icebreaker games are designed to help kids get acquainted with one another
3- Camp icebreaker games help in collaborating and cooperating with each other
4- Camp icebreaker games instill self- confidence in kids
5- Camp icebreaker games help in getting over initial hicks of adjustments
6- Camp icebreaker games help in getting over homesickness
7- Camp icebreaker games set the tone and moods for the upcoming fun and frolic amid learning.
8- Summer camp icebreaker games help in bringing everyone at the same page and giving a chance to bond well.
9- Camp icebreaker games raise the spirits and bring more enthusiasm to the camp.

The above compilation on 10 quick and easy icebreaker games for your summer camp is to help the little ones get acquainted at the upcoming summer camps and begin to cooperate with each other as a team. This will help them overcome their anxieties and homesickness easily.

Do remember to read more about summer camps and special programs at campnavigator resources. We have some of the most exclusive insights.

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By Minu Manisha