Camp lifestyle conditions set forth

Camp lifestyle

All Summer Camps do have their own set of conditions set forth, which must be strictly followed in the camp days. Though these vary from the way we live at homes, they are essential to create a discipline in life, another advantage in camp culture.

Campers must stay with in the vicinity of the supervision staff where ever they are. All the personal items of the campers must be marked with the first initial and last name. Proper dressing is a must, while footwear matching the occasion is mandatory at all times. Campers, especially kids must be wash room behavioral savvy.

Keep electronic items at home to enjoy the camps more but if it is a night camp then carry only essentials and keep them under security. Normally I pods, electronic games, water guns, pocket knifes, etc are not allowed in many day camps.

Communication decency must be strictly adhered to at the venue or in the dormitory. Profanity, abusive language, off-color jokes or fighting must be refrained during the entire sessions. Most Summer Camps make it compulsory for the parent to realize that failing in any of these, the camper would be entitled to be expelled from the camp.