Criminal Justice Summer Camp at Arizona State University Havasu Campus, June 4-8

Criminal Justice Summer Camp

Ever imagined how personnel at crime scene are trained. Here is a chance for college aspirants to get hands-on experience in the areas of criminal justice. This program is designed for all high school students as their chance to glance through the real deal. It will not only showcase the immense opportunities in the stream of criminal justice but also how the federal and state institutions of government uphold social control.

Campnavigator your preferred planner for an enriching summer experience, brings forth the latest insight into upcoming ASU Criminal Justice Summer Camp, June 4-8. Learn the basics of college application process while you actually stay at the college. Not only sharing the dorm but experiencing the social life intricacies too. With this camp, ASU plans to create more awareness in the field of criminal justice.

Campers will visit with law enforcement agents, professors, other crime justice students and also experience the jail, crime lab and morgue. Activities like mock crime scene will give a real life experience of arresting someone or getting arrested. A sure adrenaline rush for students who wish to be a part of crime investigating team.

This week long program offering insiders view of criminal justice intricacies, and also plans to have an arrest stimulation drill. Not just that, campers have some social fun too. Experience Havasu Outdoor adventures including aquatic and recreational activities. An amazing and enriching experience for everyone who attends as stated by ASU Professor Danny Pirtle.

Campnavigator details for the upcoming ASU CJ Summer Camp :

  • Summer camp date June 4-8
  • Applications for camp must reach ASU by May 15th
  • Cost of camp is $200 including accommodation, meals and activities
  • Scholarship and fundraiser events planned to further participation with minimal cost to students
  • First fundraiser on March 17th 6-9pm at schools Daytona gymnasium
  • Students 12-14 years are invited for middle school spring break kick-off party with DJ, contests, raffles, photo booth and concession stand , everything for grabs under $2
  • Tickets for the party presale at ASU main campus, $5 check , beginning March 6th Tickets at door will be $10
  • For more information on the Criminal Justice Summer Camp and party call 928-854-9736 or 832-549-7878.

Don’t forget to check our latest camp news postings at

You don’t want to miss them for nothing!

By Minu Manisha