Discovery Summer Camp 2013 at The Franklin Institute Science Museum…


Discovery Summer Camp is a co-ed summer day camp right here at The Franklin Institute Science Museum. As always, their themes this year are all new and designed to engage their campers as hands-on learners while their goal throughout is to get our campers excited about science and to nurture their spirit of inquiry and discovery!

About Discovery Summer Camp

They challenge each camper to take a closer look at the world and see that science is a part of everything. No matter where science fits into their future plans, the scientific discoveries that campers make at Discovery Camp will enrich their lives forever.

Discovery Camp counselors are teachers and college students with a proven interest in science and child care experience. In addition to their core staff, counselors-in-training (CITs) and interns provide extra support.

Applications for spring and summer Discovery Camp counselor positions are posted in the Employment Opportunities section of the website. To enter the CIT program, you must be at least 15 years old. You may also find information on Volunteer Opportunities offered during the summer on the website or you can contact the Volunteer Department directly at 215.448.1163.

Camp Structure

Each day of Discovery Camp includes hands-on science activities, a snack, and break for lunch, outdoor play (weather permitting) and museum exploration. Depending on the sessions, campers may also have the opportunity to take field trips, hear from invited guest speakers, see theater shows and educational films, and take part in large-scale, camp wide projects. Each session’s theme is independent of the others, so campers need not attend sessions consecutively, allowing flexibility to work around your family vacations. Campers should attend a full session to experience the greatest academic value. Split sessions are not recommended.

Moreover, Campers will receive a Discovery Camp t-shirt, a daily snack, weekly camp newsletter, and all activity supplies.

Age Groups

Campers are grouped based on the grade or home-school level they are entering (typically Pre-K, K-1, 2-3, 4-5, 6-8). Groups have a 1:7 counselor to camper ratio.


A limited number of scholarships are available based on academic achievement and financial need, as well as scholarships for minorities and girls who exhibit an interest in science. Applications may be found online ONLY.
2013 Scholarship applications are now available.

Note: For camp information and registration kindly visit the website or contact through the following:
General Information:
Registration Information: Group Sales