Do’s And Don’ts Of Hosting Summer Camps

Hosting summer camps
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Summer is a fun time for kids as well as parents. Giving an enriching and stimulating summer is what all parents thrive for. And in their search for finding the best summer camps, sometimes it becomes difficult to pick what you wish for your child. Many summer camps are extremely expensive and others may not be what you are seeking, so as a parent you can form group or within family also, host a summer camp. There are some do’s and don’ts of hosting summer camps which you must consider before organizing the summer camp to make it a successful one.

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Do’s for hosting summer camp:

There are some very important points to consider before and while hosting a summer camp. These would ensure utmost participation d interest of all campers and camp counselors along with other staff members. These do’s for hosting summer camp include:

1- Establish the guidelines before hand:

Every child and their family must know all the guidelines and rules before reaching the camp location. As the items which can and cannot be brought, how does the phone call policy go and what are the meal options for the kids; all of these must be known to the families and kids for them to prepare accordingly.

2- Establish a code of conduct:

Establish a code of conduct for the campers and counselors. There must be some discipline to enjoy and strengthen the bond between fellow campers and staff. As a camp organizer you must ensure all the ways how to tackle a dispute and what to do in case of conflicts. How does the grievance redressal process go and who must be informed when for the behaviors that need to be addressed

3- Build up a business plan and organize everything in advance:

Hosting a summer camp needs a lot of preparation. And since this is a business you need to check all what makes your business plan effective and efficient. Determine the culture, vision and philosophy of your summer camp and lay out instructions how to adhere to these.

[Read: Help your kids make friends at summer camp]

4- Check logistics:

From transportation, lodging, meals and safety including medical aids at camp location must be set up. All these require a lot of planning for hosting a smooth summer camp.

Check logistics
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5- Make the space kid friendly:

Have the kids set up and arrange their beds and closets. Also make it kid friendly and exciting. The campers must feel at home and not homesick, so the arrangement must be such that it is easy and fun for the kids as well as the camp counselors.

6- Make the camp schedule such that kids are entertained and involved all the time:

Kids must not be over stimulated though but keeping them interested and involved is what is needed. The schedule and day’s plan must be such that there is not much space for feeling homesick. Also there must be equal distribution of outdoor and indoor fun activities most importantly free time must also be included every day.

7- Be sure of safety and health of all the participants:

The health and hygiene aspect of the summer camp must be taken care of. The camp site must be as safe as the home, and there must be thorough check up for ensuring health and hygiene is maintained in utmost possible ways. There must be CPR training and emergency medical aid facilities too and the trained staff must be present at camp site all the time

8- Bring participation benefits too:

There must be participation benefits like some presents and more for the kids to make your summer camp a successful one. And for continued expertise and running the summer camp smoothly you would need positive word of mouth and great experience for everyone involved.

9- Do get certified staff and accreditation:

For making a great brand name of your summer camp you need to get certified staff and accreditations too. The summer camp accreditations ensure all the safety, health and hygiene aspects are inspected and are valuable too

Don’ts for hosting summer camp:

Hosting a summer camp is not just preparing and planning but there must be many more things which are to be taken care. Some strict don’ts which must be followed and adhered to for making the summer camp a successful and insightful experience for everyone involved. Some don’ts for hosting a summer camp are:

1- Don’t expect the kids to just adjust from day one:

There must be plans and activities which involve ice breaking and more fun filled games for beginning few days. If you do not have this set up the children may not find interest and get homesick. Be prepared for meltdowns and mood swings for many kids may be away from home the first time.

2- Don’t forget to ensure medical facilities and first aid:

The kids may get hurt and need immediate medical care, hosting a summer camp needs to take note of all health and safety concerns very significantly.

Dont forget to ensure medical facilities
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3- Don’t keep the summer camp day’s schedule too hectic or too boring:

The summer camp schedule must be such that it ensures utmost interest and enrichment for the campers and also positive inspiration for all staff members too. Having many free times or too many activities can lose the individuals interest and also make kids homesick

4- Don’t allow mobile phones and devices at camp site:

The kids must not be allowed to carry mobiles phones and other devices. And if at all they bring these, they must be kept away from kids. There must be fixed times during the day when kids can call their parents and family and also monitor their screen time

5- Don’t forget about the meals and individual allergies:

Parents must be made to fill out details of allergies and special needs care for kids. Also meals must be hygienic and nutritional giving strength and energy to the kids for day long activities.

The above compilation on Do’s and don’ts of hosting summer camps is to help parents and groups organizing summer camps. Hosting a summer camp needs some special planning and organizing details. Also keeping the health, safety and interest of the campers and staff members is extremely important.

Check campnavigator resources for more details and insights into summer camps and special needs programs. Share ahead and keep writing us, we love hearing from you!