Eligibility for Lesley Summer Compass

Lesley Summer Compass

Lesley Summer Compass organized by the Lesley University in collaboration with Cambridge Public schools is a fourteen week Practicum training for those who are interested in teaching students, with an ample exposure to teach at the best schools in town.

The Summer Camp for teens is divided into two equal halves and initially the campers will have a practicum and seminar at Cambridge Public School. The second half will have the same in Massachusetts Public School and Lesley University. The first half would be in summers and the second would be during the fall semester.

The students enrolled in programs like Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education, Moderate Disabilities (PreK-8 and 5-12) and Technology in Education at the Lesley graduate students in the School of Education and education students in the Lesley Center for the Adult Learner (LCAL), are eligible.