First Lego League: Lego And Robotics To Resolve Global Issues


With 255K Participants having constructed 32K Robots in 88 countries, the First LEGO League is by far the most competitive program

First LEGO League offers some cool brainstorming exercises for children 9-16. Ever imagined how science and real world problems are perceived by young minds. Campnavigator bring you an exclusive insight into this astounding program for your kids. FLL believes the scientific acumen of young minds can accomplish any task with deeper and privileged insights. This challenge is one of a kind, which offers creative independence to the kids in designing Robots meant to accomplish desired tasks.

Lego League GirlsAs a parent STEM has always been an inspiration for my family. The vast opportunities it can provide to young minds is beyond comprehension. And with LEGO the cognitive contents are infinite. I have always been stimulated with LEGO and the creative dimensions it offers for my little rover. Seeing kids in my family design astounding stuff with Lego makes me admire this program immensely.

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First LEGO League or FLL stimulates critical thinking and utilizes STEM concepts as never imagined. With robotics and STEM concepts, the program works on identifying and resolving the greater issues of the world. Its global outreach makes the program extremely challenging and competitive at international level. With over 255K participants, this sure is an excellent opportunity to research, discover, bond with diverse teams and share knowledge. Their idea is to research, build and experiment using science and mathematics to find solutions for problems affecting humanity and civilization. With young minds the creative explorations go beyond imagination.

First LEGOThere are multiple levels in this program and everyone uses the same LEGO Mindstorms to construct their Robot. Missions are sent to participants including the challenge mat and LEGO bricks. The robots are programmed using block based programming. And they aim at identifying solutions for the real-world like energy conservation, recycling, food safety, astronomy, space and the outreach they have is immense. These robots must be able to accomplish the mission in two and a half minute in any manner the little scientist deems as fit.

LEGO MindstormsOf all the programs I have known, this mesmerizes me. For the creative and innovative potential it offers and for the reasons of greater goodness of the civilization.

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Let your child celebrate her intellectual competence and innovate some intelligent science and technology inventions with First Lego League. And be a part of the bigger scientific bandwagon which aims to research and resolve global problems affecting us alike.

Don’t forget to check, your preferred partner in selecting summer camps for your child. We have some marvelous listings already for Summer 2017. Make summer 2017 enriching and stimulating experience for your child.

By Minu Manisha