For the ‘Columbus’ kids Les Explorer Summer Camp is ideal

Columbus kids

Day-in and day-out kids are awed by languages spoken by various schoolmates and get interested in knowing about the foreign lands. It is but natural as our rich American culture has traces of Columbus, in most. This is one gene that is sure to rise many questions by the kids which at times becomes unbearable. The ideal place for such kids is Les Explorer Summer Camp held in between June 10 to July 19, next year, by the Austin International School.

The Summer Camps are ideal for children from 3-years of age to 12 years old. The three most dominant business languages that are in use across America and Europe are taught at these summer camps. The language immersion camp, as they call it, broadly makes the campers pick up the skills in French, Spanish and English.

The curriculum is conveniently designed for the campers to choose a destination of their choice everyday. Apart from Language skills a variety of other interesting activity is interwoven that makes understanding quite easy.

The various fun based educational activities include, to explore the world and learn about other cultures, culinary tastes, games, legends, crafts, music, and more. The hands-on activity includes drama, computer sciences, cooking, weaving, collage, music, bricolage, papier-mâché, photography, foreign games.

All this and more, in addition to water games and avid field trips. The Summer Camp is a fun filled way to prepare the camper for the next academic year by following AIS curriculum guidelines. The day camp timings are from 9 am till 3.30 pm while the extended hours start at 7.30 am till 6 pm.