How to Roast a Perfect Marshmallow Over a Campfire

Marshmallow Over a Campfire

Marshmallows are great specially during summers and when its campfire time, you have to celebrate it in the most awesome ways. From traditions back to centuries before, marshmallow and s’mores make an integral part of campfire and summer fun. And what better way than to celebrate the togetherness by roasting marshmallows and dancing around the camp fire.

Get roasting marshmallow sticks, light the awesome campfire and begin your master chef experiments with our write up on how to roast marshmallows. Be sure to keep kids and yourself safe as its fire where we would roast marshmallows. Have all the ingredients ready before hand and keep fire igniting items and coal ready too

roasting marshmallow sticksSteps on how to roast a perfect marshmallow over a campfire:

For making the perfectly roasted marshmallows and s’mores dont forget to get everything set before the party and celebration begin at your campfire site. Follow the below:

1- Build a fire at a convenient and wonderful space:

Be sure to keep the fire safe and at a place where kids are not playing nearby. Make the fire convenient. Get gloves and keep the coal ready

2- Buy skewers either of wood or metallic:

get long enough metallic or wooden skewers. Put little oil splash to not get the marshmallows stuck after roasting

3- Get marshmallows of different shapes:

Buy colored and different shapes of marshmallows and arrange them in a way that kids get super excited. Allow space for keeping these skewers and marshmallows near the fire pit or BBQ grill

4- Poke marshmallow and put them on skewers such that it forms great shape and is safe to roast:

Get the kids for this fun part. Give them the skewers and allow them to make wonderfully arranged skewers with marshmallows on top

5- Now heat the coal on fir pit:

Ignite the coal on fire pit and let it stay on for a few minutes before beginning to roast.

6- Roast the marshmallows over the pit on coal:

Now hold the skewers filled with marshmallow such that your hand is safe and marshmallow is on coal lit fire. Keep checking for heat and moving hands in and out of the fire

Roast the marshmallows7- Turn them constantly to avoid fire and burnt marshmallows:

Keep turning the marshmallows for they may get burnt if kept at same place

8- If marshmallows are put directly there will be charcoal which is natural:

getting charcoal is natural so dont worry just keep moving the marshmallows around all over to roast them from all side, do not touch them yet

9- Now take them off carefully, wear gloves if needed:

Now after they seem perfectly roasted take them out of skewers using a knife or fork. Dont touch directly with your fingers as it is very very hot and can burn badly

10- Eat hot marshmallows, carefully:

Be sure to keep water filled cup around for a quick dip if you get burnt. be very careful while eating these hot marshmallows as it may be cold from out but melting hot from inside.

11- Additionally roast marshmallows on broiler or BBQ Grill:

Use grill or broiler for more fun and if you are doing it in your patip

12- Make s’mores:

Got some graham crackers and hersheys chocolates, all set for s’mores. Put the roasted marshmallow on graham cracker and put one hersheys chocolate cover it with one more graham cracker for wonderfully delighting s’mores.

13- Add fruits for the delightful grilled sandwiches:

Use banana slices, pineapple slices and more fruits grilled for your tasty and delightful marshmallow sandwiches

Add fruits for the delightful14- Hot chocolate like a floral or boat ride:

Make hot chocolates and decorate the roasted marshmallows in such a way that they make boat riding on a hot chocolate lake

15- Don’t forget to share the pictures with us:

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Learn how to Roast a Perfect Marshmallow Over a Campfire from above and be sure to share with us too.

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Minu Manisha