How To Save For Summer Camp Fees

summer camp fees

A summer camp may just be a long picnic for our children but it may not be a vacation for our pockets. For parents it is more of an extended extravagant summer date to which they are not even invited. Summer camp costs are not just a splurge if we make adequate and timely choices. Sharing some efficient and lucrative tips on how to save for summer camp fees, without having to compromise on our choice of camps. You need not shell out every nickel and dime from the piggy bank, just a careful and optimally timed decision, to cut back some good pennies.

Before opting for a summer camp, carefully check the details of fee; what is the optional part and what are the financial aids available. Also check on discounts from sibling addition or group of kids. Without these bargains you may end up with swelling bills for just the 10 week of summer stretch. We bring some wonderful tricks to resolve your summer camp fee quandary without going broke.

Ever imagined how much does a summer camp really cost! Well thats way beyond college savings fund if you add up for the 10 years beginning elementary through high school. Around $250-500 a day and additional after care if you may wish to opt. So lets begin with our agenda here, “bring back the bucks without compromise”

A little legwork and ample happiness for our precious kids and our treasured bank accounts by opting for the below:

A little legwork

1- Early bird catches the worm:

Early bird catches the wormAnd this proverb is true to its name. Some summer camps begin registration as early as a year in advance for the unbelievable knock off in price. Though nothing can be assured as early bird is a wild card, sometimes you catch the fresh worm and sometimes you get the leftover but savings are savings and every penny counts. So keep exploring for the camp by autumn of prior year for the oncoming spring -summer break. You never know whats in for you.

2- Summer camp scholarships:

Summer camp scholarshipsSome summer camps offer scholarships for the needy and deserving. There may be specific criteria for winning. More and more kids are choosing their fields of prowess to win scholarships based on their acumen and orientation.

2- Negotiate and bargain:

Negotiate and bargainOld school method, just ask for it. You may never know if they could knock the price, had you not asked in the first place. Better bargains are given by talking it in-person. And be sure to choose the best fit for your child. Some summer camps do bargain for the coming years, if you may bring your child back the next year they even cut back by half or quarter.

3- Sibling discounts:

Sibling discountsWhen you put your 2 or more kids at the same camp there are good discounts. Even try for cousins of same age. Summer camps need campers and they can go about discounts for 2 rather than forgoing the chance of even 1 attendee.

4- Online registration:

Online registrationOnline prices are always cheaper than actually paying at the camp organizers office. They may not be huge but a discount is a discount and you need to en-cash to re-cash.

5- Volunteer:

VolunteerSummer camps offer exclusive discounts if parents, grandparents or caretakers volunteer for their cause. Teach, cook, organize and arrange for their activities and other help, they will get you some wonderful rewards in terms of discounts. Summer camps need people and when there are ample people without payouts issues, they give volunteering benefits by reducing camp fee for your child.

6- Choose your time:

Choose your timeSome summer camps charge more for weekend classes and camps for a full week, opt for weekdays and also check for possibilities of reducing time further. If a 8 hour camp charges $500 a day then ask for 4 hours possibility. And chose the most optimal time for your child

7- Be a salesman:

Be a salesmanYour sales skills are put on test here, now is the time to run for savings. Check with more camps in your region and start bargaining by sharing similar camps respective fee, and ask for a price drop. This works well in cases where lots of competition is there and remember camps need campers to run effectively and more campers for their success.

8- Avoid unnecessary costs:

Avoid unnecessary costsSome costs may be recovered even at sign up. Traveling by airline or staying at a speciality setting or food preferences may cost you far more than the camp. Be sure to scrap them off as its a summer camp. It must be just right in enriching your kid and forget the luxury part.

9- Financial aids from third party organizers for low income group:

Financial aidsThere are many third party organizations which offer financial aids for families from low income groups. These are specially not for profit based organizations which aim for promoting opportunities for all.

10- Gift pool:

Gift poolMake a pool for the child for year round gifts he would receive. Ask friends and family to add to this gift pool and help in building up a summer camp fund. Alternatively big kids can also earn part time by extending help to their social circle.

11- Choose your old-time-camp from parks and recreations listings:

Choose your old-time-campFor saving even further choose summer camps from parks and recreation listings for your county. They are subsidized and cheaper than most other programs, also check public libraries in addition. Even they come up with some wonderful discounted programs. Even neighboring county libraries and activity centers allow kids from around at a little charge.

12- Count the hour-benefit ratios:

Count the hour-benefit ratiosDo not look for the cheapest one just yet, check how many hours the kid spends there and whats the price per hour. Some camps may look cheap but turn out just for a few hours a day which doesn’t promise any happiness for working parents. Don’t be the cash cows for these camps, be wise and analyze before choosing.

13- Plan your family vacations:

Plan your family vacationsIf you have a family vacation planned for summer and you would be away from the camp, then allow for more discounts. Some Summer Camps permit paying just for the days you are attending, and some others give you flexible option in terms choose the days by not counting the days you would be on trip.

14- Make use of your free time:

Make use of your free timeYour office hours may fetch you some free time during peak payment hours at summer camp. Economize on that by saving for those hours of weekend or later in the day. Bring your child home for these precious hours as its not necessary only these hours will enrich and the rest would not.

15- The most important decision: Day camp of overnight camps?

Day camp of overnight campsDay camps cost less than overnight camps, so be sure when you opt for this. Though overnight camps are most incredible but do not indulge if you child is just not ready. Readiness of your child is the key, and only spend for the benefits you and your child are willing to avail.

Summer camp fees burdenSummer camp fees must not be a burden, if you plan ahead and opt for the most optimal fit in your situation. Make the most for your child and your own pockets during summers. The choice of summer camp must be feasible for your child, optimal for their age and interest levels also viable for your pockets.

So be sure and check campnavigator for elaborate listings and reviews before choosing your summer camp for this year. Enjoy an enriching summer, we promise to cover you as always.

By Minu Manisha