Is your child ready for camp?

ready for camp

Packing off your kids to a summer camp might sound like a crazy idea to many parents, more so if you are not sure if your child can manage on his own when away from home. And then there are wad of other concerns like correct age, knowing if your child is socially and emotionally ready for it, your own separation anxieties? Understandably, the very thought of sending away your little ones from home with wackos and in the wild might give you creeps.

But you must never forget that in order for your kids to metamorphose into confident, resilient leaders, you must get the better of your parental angst! No matter how cruel that might sound, you must gulp your worst fears and learn to let go off your kids. It’s the only way your kids can learn to be on their own, manage their lives and even decide for themselves. Isn’t that a gratifying thought?

If you are still wondering if your kid is ready for a camp yet, Camp Navigator helps calm your nerves. Read on and decide for yourself.

specific age for kidsFirst, consider your child. There is no one specific age for kids to go to the camp. If you think your child isn’t ready yet, don’t force. On the other hand, if he is comfortable staying with a friend or family member for a night or two, then he is set for a camp experience. Many camps offer shorter camps for young campers — the perfect bet for your kids to give camp a try. Often this is all it takes to settle their fears of being away from home.

It’s important to talk to your child and know his thoughts before sending him away on a camp. Learn all about their fears or concerns and find out if they are more anxious than excited about the whole idea of a “summer camp”. Camp is supposed to be joyful experience. If your kid has many apprehensions, it would be best to wait for a year or so.

Let your child chose their own camp, of course with your assistance. Together you can find out about the activities, settings and offerings that would best benefit your kids. There are camps of all shapes, sizes, lengths. Some have special programs like horseback riding, or water sports. Allowing your kids to make a choice will only mean they get to have a great time.

Never emphasize the negative! Never discuss homesickness. Rather, talk about positive things like new friends and experiences. You may be the one who is dealing with separation anxiety – that’s natural. Some parents are so used to being a text away that letting their children unplug is frightening. View it as an opportunity for them to encounter happiness and experiences that might shape their lives forever.

Camping can be a defining experience for children of all ages. Hope, the above tips will settle your fears and help you know if your little one is ready for a real world experience.