Jewish Teen Summer Camps in New York

Jewish Teen Summer Camps

The Jewish Education Project and UJA-Federation of New York are putting together eight Summer Camps for Jewish teens in New York, in what they call the Incubator.

The Incubator’s programs are great for a wide range of interests- from surf camp to service-learning internships; there is something for every teen.

Although the camps will be fun, the meaning runs deeper. One of the goals is to connect teens with meaningful learning opportunities that they can participate in any time of year.

The New York Teen Initiative also wants to provide camps that are affordable and exciting for teens. They hope to double scholarships to $800,000 so every teen can have the opportunity to participate.

Lastly, the Incubator wants to contribute to the success of these teens so they are offering professional development programs.

These are the eight programs in the Incubator:

Sababa Surf Camp – Temple Israel of Great Neck and Forest Hills Jewish Center

Intergenerational Jewish Service-Learning Teen Internship Program – Dorot, Inc.

Intern NYC – JCC Manhattan

JustAct NYC – Union for Reform Judaism in partnership with Irondale Theater

JAM (Judaism Action Mitzvot): Memphis – American Jewish Society for Service

Jewish Teen Institute for Innovation: Panama – PresenTense and Think Impact

Interfaith Israel Teen Fellowship –Big Tent Judaism and Interfaith Israel

AЯTEL Teen Fellowship – Edith and Carl Marks Jewish Community House of Bensonhurst and JCC Association

These programs are great for any Jewish teen in the New York area.