Learn art like never before at EHOVE


Grader 5-9, get ready to have a blast this summer at EHOVE’s summer camps!

From LEGO robotics, inventing, engineering, culinary arts, athletic speed & performance to duct tape design, design/fab/build/fly and video gaming, the week long, half day camps at EHOVE promises to be pure fun with hands-on projects that are exciting and educational.

The camp will be hosted between 8:30-11:30 am for the morning session and 12:15-3:15 pm for the afternoon session, for the week of June 16-20. Campers can opt for morning and/or afternoon session for $50 per camp.

About EHOVE:
EHOVE Career Center is a leading career tech school in Milan Township. This high school and adult education facility draws students from a variety of locales, and serves multiple school districts as well in Erie, Huron and Ottawa Counties. Students are given the opportunity to take challenging academic classes in a customized and relevant curriculum to prepare them for a specific career or college, and learn skills to advance in the trade of their choice, for now or the future. EHOVE Career Center is part of the High Schools That Work school improvement initiative and has been honored with many state and national awards in recent years.