Making Friends At A Camp

Making Friends

What is that one way to have maximum fun in a camp? Simple, have as many friends as you can!

When it comes to having friends, more is always less. After all, who wouldn’t want a bunch of pals to hang around with, play, eat and have all kinds of fun under the sun. That said, making friends is easier said than done for many kids, blame it on their attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, lack of self-confidence or shyness.

If your child struggles in making friends, summer camps could be the answer to your woes. Camps are a great place to make new friends and even build lifetime of friendships. Socialization and having fun outdoors with friends are some of the reasons why many parents send their kids to camp However, for most first-time campers, being in an unknown space with no friends or aides by side can be a very, very intimidating thought. While some make friends easily on the go, there are other who have to work at it a little.

Camp Navigator brings you a wad of ideas to break the ice and make friends easily in camps. Read on:

Friendship begins with bunkmates

Yes, friendships begin with bunkmates! After all, that is the easiest place to start off. Be open, nice and thoughtful to your fellow camper and spend a lot of time together. Talk about yourself and try to figure out things that you both have in common.

However, if your bunk buddy isn’t much fun to start off, work out on other social areas of your camp. Hang out there and you’re sure to meet someone.

Don’t be shy

We know it can be really, really difficult, more so if you are shy. But remember, all it takes to get a friendship rolling at times is a simple ‘hi’. Try to do that on day one of your camp. Instead of hiding away (which won’t earn you any friends), march ahead and confidently introduce yourself. Look approachable and find an interesting conversation starter to get a breakthrough. Doesn’t matter what you say – just say something! Before you know it you’ll have a whole crew to hang out with. Remember, almost everyone is there by themselves so don’t feel intimidated.

Get into the spirit

When you’re at camp, get involved and enjoy everything, from dances, races, camp songs, camp jokes etc..This will help you bond with others and find friends who share common spirit and interests.

Sign up

Participate in all the cool games and activities that your camp has to offer. The more you play and interact with other campers, the better your chances of finding a good friend.


If your family sends you a care package of food or other goodies, don’t keep it all for yourself, share! Don’t let other kids bully you, but don’t be greedy with your things, either. Be good to the kids in your group, and they’ll be the same with you.

Let your personality shine

Are you funny? Outgoing? Smart? Good at art or sports? Your personality is what will help you make friends, so don’t hide it. Try to be confident and positive, but don’t be a show-off.