Microsoft announces free summer camps for budding techies

microsoft summer camp

This summer, let your young techie’s dream soar high! Keep your kids digitally occupied this summer with Microsoft’s free one-week summer camps for youth where they can learn all about gaming, coding, smart photo taking, smart movie making and more. Sounds like fun? Then read on.

To be hosted from June 2 to August 29 across most Microsoft retail stores in the US, this camps will take kids behind the scenes and teach them all about coding, programming, gaming and more in fun, interesting way. What more, in the process, your child will learn how to use their creativity and solve problems to make something of their own.

To be divided into two age groups: 10 a.m. to noon for junior designers ages 8 to 10 and 1 to 3 p.m. for designers ages 11 to 13, this campĀ  will run Monday through Thursday.

Campers must be accompanied by parents or someone designated by their parents at the store during the classes. Each session will accommodate only 16 youths.

To register, you can visit their official site ( )

Also, the store offer open CodeIT camps from noon to 3 p.m. Fridays. Youth can bring in their IT projects and ask for assistance from staff or practice the principles of coding using either Kodu or Project Spark, according to the release.

Be it digital camp, STEM camp or any other fun and educational camp, Camp Navigator is your one stop solution for finding the best summer camps for your little ones. So what are you waiting for. Browse on!