NYC Summer camps filled with structured activities

NYC Summer

City of New York’s departments of Parks and Recreation conducts Summer Camps which are filled with structured activities. Annually these camps are most enjoyed by campers who are engaged in various sessions like sports, fitness, and outdoor adventure. They also take part in many of New York City’s rich cultural and educational opportunities.

In addition to all this campers would get a chance to walk through many local parks, swim in Parks pools, travel to museums and engage in environmental education.

NYC Summer Camps are ideal for ages from 6-13 years, however the organizers have Raymond O’Connor Park camp that would be exclusively for the smaller kids between 3- 6 years approximately. All the camps are day camps and commence at 9 am and stretch up to 5 pm.

Earlier planning avoids disappointment as the camps are the most sought after by children. They provide an ambiance for learning nature while enjoying. Most of the camps are guided tours in the hands of expert counselors.