Oak Hall Summer Camps for Kids

Oak Hall

The Gainesville summer camps is one of the most enjoyed by the kids. Oak Hall Summer Camp is ideal for campers from communities, around Gainesville. The Oak Hall School organizes these camps for kids after-school sessions during the summers.

The various day camps are themed on Arts and Crafts and Indoor/ Outdoor Sports, which include Archery, Pioneering/Orienteering, Newspaper, Basic Acting, Computer Games and Skills, Cooking, and Cheer leading/ Dance. Awesome ranges to keep the kids enthralled.

Apart from the above regular activity, there are five exclusive sessions to chose from from too, for the kids who wish to give wings to their dreams.

The last summer exclusive sessions included EAGLES EXPLORER SOCIETY, based on the archeological interests, SUPER SESSION: ART IMAGINARIUM, based on fashion designing with nature’s help, PARTY IN THE USA! To celebrate the birthday of the nation, SUPER SESSION: CRAZY HOLIDAYS trips to various innovate places of interest and the last session is OAK HALL SCHOOL OF ELEMENTARY WIZARDRY, there are many active events included in this session.

However this year’s announcement is awaited for the schedule of 2013 summer. Keep watching CampNavigator.com to know the details or watch the dedicated website of the school.