What are the qualities that make a great camp counselor

great camp counselor

It is all about unimaginable fun and conviction when we talk about being a summer camp counselor. No other summer job can be as challenging, as rewarding and as satisfying than being a camp counselor. All your dreams and aspirations to live the role model life comes to reality. And what you think and believe takes you far and ahead. Let us learn what are the qualities that make a great camp counselor, and also how to go about being one of the coolest counselor at the summer camp.

How to be a great camp counselor:

While being a great camp counselor calls for immense determination, conviction and patience. But it is more about finding your passion to serve the role first. The more you connect with the summer camp the better you become at counseling and leading it. Learning details, and sharing experiences with fellow counselors helps in preparing you before the actual camp. This is the foremost and crucial step one must follow.

Some more details on how to be a great camp counselor include:

1- Learn the job roles and responsibilities:

Learning what the job entails believing in yourself is most important. Being a friend, mentor and guide for fellow campers and helping them experience lifetime summer fun. Its draining and challenging too. SO begin your search into the basics of job roles and responsibilities ahead in time.

2- Prepare yourself for challenges:

Both metal and physical strength are tested at this job. So be sure to prepare your self for the dare. It may be easy if you are already set both mentally and physically. You need not be an athlete or a star but to be able to inspire you first need to show your skills in utmost mesmerizing ways

3- Be focussed all through the training module:

Training is your first hand experience into the kind of summer you would have. Be sure to pay immense attention to it. Try and immerse yourself into it so that you would come out all set and prepared

4- Socialize with fellow camp counselors and staff members:

It is always great to make friends. Things get easier and you learn more and more from others experiences. It is also great to collaborate and as a team plan out the schedule and events.Socialize with fellow camp counselors

5- Learn details about your camps:

It is good to know the days plan and memorize it well before hand to not miss anything important. Being in a hurry loses the essence of the camp so make it a sooth and yet swift transition between the activities in a day.

6- Learn about ice breaking and team building activities:

The camper may not be used to camp life to it is important for a summer camp counselor to learn these wonderful ice breaking activities. These would help in making the kids learn to get along well

7- Make a daily meet plan at the end of the day:

A 5 minute for reflection of the day’s events helps in giving you enormous strength and happiness for the coming days ahead. So make this a habit to sit all the campers down and help them in introspecting and rewinding effectively.

8- Be sure to have group as well as individual fun:

There are ample opportunities for everyone at a summer camp. And the most important one is to have unlimited fun. Use your breaks, time with the kids and during activities to have immense fun and enjoyment.

Qualities of a good camp counselor:

Qualities of a good camp counselorA great camp counselor is most pro active and prepared. In order to be wonderful at your job you must have the below qualities or strive to acquire them ahead in time:

1- Great communication skills:

You may be exceptional if you can interact in more than 2 languages. There are campers from various backgrounds and if you can communicate well you certainly are up on major areas

2- Curiosity to learn new skills:

As a good camp counselor you must possess constant ability to learn new new things. Being a counselor you would be required to innovate which is specially learnt through constant training.

Keep yourself open to ideas and advices

3- Be resilient:

Falling down is inevitable but to be able to rebound and bounce back is what makes a great camp counselor. Never take your failures as your weakness, but thrive on them to build your success even more louder and higher.

4- Problem solving skills:

It is natural to be put at the spot and in situations, but being able to find effective and efficient solutions is what makes up a good camp counselor.

5- Creative thinking and innovative abilities:

Being a good camp counselor you need to be creative and innovative. Also be able to reinvent yourself to fit in most situations helps in encouraging and inspiring campers

How to be a cool camp counselor and role model for campers:

Some tips to be able to motivate and encourage kids in coolest ways possible. These attributes in a camp counselors personality include:

1- Take initiatives

2- Be a positive influence

3- Always smile and share smiles around

4- Be patient

5- Enjoy and make it a pleasant experience for all

The above compilation on What are the qualities that make a great camp counselor, is to help teens and adults looking our for a great summer gig. By all means being a summer camp counselor is most rewarding and challenging life time experience.

Check campnavigator resources for more

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By Minu Manisha