Right age for swimming lessons

swimming lessons

‘Splash in water to beat the summer heat’ sounds like a perfect summer camp idea. Just grab the swim gear and hit the pool. But before that ,is your child ready for swimming yet.

The child must feel comfortable in the pool before beginning formal lessons. School age kids must know how to swim for safety as well as fitness. Children have inherent fears of water but once they start enjoying, swimming can be a great exercise.

Children must be exposed to water at splash pads and zero depth pools as early as they can sit. Under parental supervision they can become familiar with buoyancy, thrust and breathing basics in water. Within a few weeks they will start enjoying it. But if a child fears from water, they must not be forced to learn swimming. ‘Right age for swimming lessons’ is to help you chose an ideal ‘summer camp for swimming lessons’ from the listings below.


  • Familiarity with water must begin early:

Children at poolChildren must be regularly taken to pool or splash pads as early as 6 months old. This will help them overcome their fear from water. Water provides rich sensory play for children. Thus children will start observing and exploring fun with water. And some science concepts too.

  • Health status: Every child grows at their own pace. Some gain quickly with motor skills and some have elaborate language skills. Developmental appropriateness decides if its time to take the plunge. So check the physical development of the child before putting in swim lessons. A normal healthy child will get acquainted with flotation and breathing concepts quickly. A special needs child may take more time and greater care while teaching.
  • Individual interest: Children must be left to decide what they want to learn. It is important for their psychological well-being. Giving independence to a child in choosing if they wish to join swimming, will make them self-confident.
  • Check for leisure based pools to begin:

Leisure based poolsSome places have aquatic centers offering indoor pool with fun filled activities for every age. These are great places to bond with family while getting acquainted with water. This helps children to develop a perspective on how much fun water can bring.

  • Skin allergies: Some children have water based allergies. So swim lessons early in life can make it worse. Check with your ped for possibilities with your condition.
  • Swimming lessons must be with licensed instructor:

Licensed instructorNo matter how well you know swimming, but children must be put for instruction based swimming camps. This will make them learn from the basics.

  • School age kid must know swimming: Before age 5, based on the above points decide when to put your child to swimming lessons. But age 5 upwards children must know how to swim. Both from safety and fitness point of view. Swimming is a great exercise for little ones and water helps in their sensorial development too.
  • Be sure to pack the pool bag properly: Sun block, swim cap, goggles, ear plugs and float gears. Do not miss the finger foods, for a quick bite between the session.

Pool bagWhile choosing swimming based summer camps, be sure to read the above. Don’t forget to check our listing on awesome summer camps for your child to keep them involved and enriched all through the summer break.


Get ready and dive in some exciting summer fun with your child.

By Minu Manish