Books about being a camp counselor

Camp counselor

Have you opted for a summer camp counselor role this summer, and worried about how to go about it. Well! we have some easy and methodological ways for you. Just grab any of these summer camp counselor handbooks and read through, these compilations are sure to bring deeper and most intriguing insights into the life at summer camps and as camp counselor.

All of these books about being a camp counselor are not just for teens and adults looking for summer camp jobs but also for parents and kids willing to proceed with summer camps. As all the insights give more details account into life and work at a summer camp. These real life situations, humorous instances and mesmerizing memories are a proof enough that summer camps are the most important times for kids attending.

Popular summer camp counselor books:

There are ample books on summer camp counselor roles and responsibilities. People willing to take up these enriching and scintillating summer gig must read through for their training and preparation. Being a camp counselor is not easy but it definitely is fun and lifetime experience. Some of the popular summer camp books include:

1- Summer camp secrets: A “How to” guide to being a summer camp counselor”

Summer camp secretsBy Rusja Foster, this Summer camp secretes guide is an all inclusive and honest compilation on what is the true life of a summer camp counselor in the US. The first time counselors day to day secrets and how the fun and drama enfolds in a daily way. This is a great read for people wishing to be a summer camp counselor soon. Also including summer camp tips and trips and how to survive guide.

2- The camp counselors guide to fun and fast paced time filler activities for kids:

The camp counselors guide to fun and fast paced time filler activities for kidsBy Susan Caplan Mccarthy, The camp counselors guide to fun and fast paced time filler activities for kids is all about keeping kids active and attentive all through the camp says. Also directing all the energies of kids in as positive and fun manner as possible. This book also gives an insight into art and craft activities with minimal material and quickest ways possible to keep the focus on.

3- The summer camp counselor handbook: How to prepare and create the best time for you and your campers:

The summer camp counselor handbookThe summer camp counselor handbook: How to prepare and create the best time for you and your campers By Ashley Palmer is all about being a strong and inspiring camp counselor. Beginning from discipline techniques, how to develop strong inter group ties, also how to beat the daily grind and arise out of camper concerns. This book helps the camp counselors in becoming camp ready and is a life saver for most camp counselors

4- The Summer Camp Handbook: Everything You Need to Find, Choose and Get Ready for Overnight Camp-and Skip the Homesickness:

Everything You Need to Find, Choose and Get Ready for Overnight CampBy Christopher A Thurber this summer camp handbook is a guide to evaluate and prepare for the counselor roles and the summer camps around. Being a clinical psychologist Chris has written an elaborate guide for campers counselors and parents. This is a common sense guide to everyone interested in camps. These are some practical information regarding life at summer camp and how to make the most of the opportunity.

5- The camp counselors survival guide:

By David Issac, The camp counselors survival guide is for the most rainy days as a camp counselor. This is a humorous book which ought not be taken too seriously. It is just to set the mood and the tone right and add some fun while preparing for the upcoming camp counselor role. It is a short and satirical treatment and gives just a laughter for the counselors.

6- Camp Camp: Where the fantasy islands meet the lords of the flies:

By Roger Bennett Camp camp is a love letter for summer camp. This is a original compilation derived from real interviews with campers and camp counselors. Includes broad essays on social, camp gastronomy, camp love and visiting days. This subject matter is a tribute from arrival to last day at summer camp

7- In the Trenches:

By Bob Ditter, In the Trenches is a useful guide on how to approach a camper and understand the confused reactions of a camper. Also staff training needs and ideas, and survival tips for anorexia and more. How to instill self morale, self regulation, self confidence and self esteem in campers.

8- How to be a great camp counselor:

How to be a great camp counselorBy David Burrow, how to be a great camp counselor is all about a comprehensive and chronological guide to working with kids. How to encourage cooperation and be an effective leader. It also gives details on how to deal and what to say in a particular situation at the summer camp site

The above compilation on Books about being a camp counselor is all about details and insights into summer camps, roles and responsibilities of a camp counselor and how to go about a summer camp. For more details check campnavigator resources, share ahead and keep writing us, we love hearing from you!

By Minu Manisha