Best summer camp ideas for counselors

Best summer camp ideas

Being a camp counselor is all about playing a real life superman and getting the benefits of an ideal camping vacation. Well this experience is more about getting empowered to take charge and also set an example for others to follow. While it is a challenging role but summer camp counselors jobs are getting so much more attention, every gap year or high schooler wishes to show her true passion and potential. And being a camp counselor gives them the right chance to inspire and get inspired to find passion in life.

Camp counselors tips and tricks:

As a wonderful and motivating time in addition to building lifetime memories, camp counselor role needs a lot of dedication and confidence. If you have the courage and are willing to be the role model every camper looks up to, this is your right summer gig. To make your job easier and to help you make the best of this lifetime experience here are some camp counselor tips and tricks which sure would help you in every which way:

1- Get ahead with home work and preparation:

It is very important to prepare well in advance for upcoming camping week or days. Figure our all details entailing your job and get ahead discussing with fellow experienced camp counselors and camp directors about your roles and responsibilities. The more you read and interact the better equipped your would be when at the camp site.

2- Plan your day ahead:

When you land at the summer camp location, you must be prepared for the take. Even when at the camp, plan your days schedule and also backups for the contingency at least a day ahead. If you as a camp counselor are prepared and ready well in advance, your campers will also be all set from the start.Plan your day ahead

3- Get involved in the training:

All the training and skill development programs provided by the camp association is what gives you the details and inspires you to get ahead in all your spirits. Most camp counselors vouch the training as their guide to emergency situations and also preparing their reflexes. Also some real survival skills including emergency medical care and CPR are also some of the most significant part of the training which every camp counselor must pay attention to

4- Make friends with fellow counselors:

Everyone certainly makes the most wonderful of friends as camper and as camp counselor. All the times you spend at summer camp counseling and preparing the child gives lifetime memories. And when you make great social ties with fellow counselors you get all the support and encouragement you would need to have a successful stint as counselor.Make friends with fellow counselors

5- Learn names and details of your campers before hand:

It is always great to know the details including names and more from application. The more you get to develop one to one bonding the better it is for both camper and counselor. Also knowing them well makes you prepared for how to handle the kids who may have some special needs.

6- Learn the day’s plan by heart:

At no point during your summer camp days you must forget what comes when. The more you are up with the days plan the better it is for getting everything set on plan. Also when you know what comes when and the details of free times, you will be able to drive the campers in a better way

7- Adopt some ice breaking and team building activities:

It is very important to bring the summer camp on a thrilling and positive note for all campers. The ice breaking activities help in making the little campers feel safe and at home. Also they start communicating and finding social ties within the group which helps in overcoming home sickness.

8- Have a fun filled activity every few hours:

If you are all set with the days plan and bang on time, you can squeeze time for one or two fun filled activities in between to get more and more camper attention and participation. This also makes the campers come together and enjoy and relax too.Have a fun filled activity every few hours

9- Have some inspiring tasks for yourself too:

Specially the break times, try and get yourself motivated by reading or listening to music or checking your phone whatever gets you passionate. This time will be your daily dose of skill refreshments and inspiration which definitely brings you more and more strength and courage to work efficiently.

10- Remember its all about fun:

Everything which is mentioned and makes a part of summer camp is all about fun. Fun based learning, fun based enrichment and fun based independence. SO don’t forget to enjoy yourself too.

Some summer camp ideas for counselors:

Some summer camp ideas for counselors1- Choose your battles wisely, as not every thing the campers do is wrong

2- Give pet names which are easy and makes the camper feel important, beware you must not pick any name which makes them feel low

3- Get them to control their day plan and don’t be a helicopter guide.

4- Be their friend and companion than a senior

5- Watch your words and actions, you cant behave rude or enter into arguments


The above compilation on Best summer camp ideas for counselors is to help the prospective counselors to make the best of the summer time gig. Always remember its more about patience and determination than anything else.

Check campnavigator resources for more details on summer camps and camp counselor jobs. Share ahead and keep writing us, we love hearing from you!

By Minu Manisha