Top 5 summer camp trends 2017

summer camp trends 2017

With the schools being closed down already, and the weather getting warmer our summer camp spree is just around the corner. It that time of the year again when we look up for scintillating and mesmerizing summer camp activities. While the traditional setting of the summer camp remains same but there are ample new trends in summer camp. These new trends are to bring out the best for your little one during their time away from home.

Summer camp trends 2017 is compiled to share the new activities and amazing programs which are incorporated at summer camps to keep up with the interests of the new generation campers. Definitely what was popular and trendy in the yesteryears is not suited and change is the way to enrichment. Watch out for some wonderful camp trends. Be sure to check campnavigator for more insights.

Top 5 summer camp trends 2017 include:

Some of the summer camp trends which promise to make the upcoming summer camp experience a more healthy and wonderful one:

1- Going green:

Going greenIn addition to improving the safety and health of campers, the summer camps are more and more adopting the green way. These greener and eco-friendly ways will help in strengthening the environment too. More and more awareness and programs with energy conservation, sustainable living and recycling would be included at summer camps. Some of these trends are removing plastic completely from camp premises like disposable plastic cup, plate, spoon, knife and glass. Opting for more biodegradable choices and also teaching ways on grow vegetables and fruits

2- Increased focus on health and nutrition:

health and nutritionIt is very important for us to let our children know the important of eating healthy and eating right. Food and nutrition is very important as the healthier you eat the better life you would have. And picking junk, fried, spicy and cheesy foods not only causes health issues but also makes us obese. Choosing fruits, vegetables, nuts, oats and grilled chicken will add more proteins and energy and also provide healthy food

3- More and more focus on community service:

community serviceCommunity services are increasingly becoming a part of more and more summer camps. These not only make campers humble and compassionate but also teach them essential survival skills. These would help promote harmony and cooperation between the have and have nots of the society. When community services and volunteering are taken up they ensure the camper are responsible community members too

4- Trials at camps:

More and more camps are adopting the trial day policies. Kids are permitted to try out a given camp for a few days. They can experience the camp life, engage in the activities, explore the things around while they find if the camps are suitable for them. This helps both campers and parents to get a goof feeling about hoe summer camps are. These prepare the kids in on the site experience. Also campers make friends and become compatible even before the camps begin. This prepares them even well and they get over the homesickness quickly

5- Increased physical activities:

Trials at campsMore and more activities to keep up the fitness of the campers are being set up. It is very important to have physical fitness also laid with focus. The more these physical activities are taken the better and healthier it is to promote among the campers. The campers need to stay fresh and active and also they must adopt fitness as an important part of their routine. Beginning with yoga in the morning and having running and biking during the day are some such examples of fitness trends at summer camps

In addition some more trends in camp categories are prominent which include:

  • Speciality and niche camps
  • Educational and academic camps
  • Family and adult camps
  • Camps partnered with schools
  • Year round camps
  • Social media at summer camps
  • Safety of campers as an important lesson at camps
  • Short camp sessions
  • Customized camps for a group
  • Cheaper camp membership options for low income families
  • Using more and more technological advancements too

Some facts, statistics and trends of summer camps in USA:

trends of summer camps1- Camp in an 18 billion industry
2- More than 15000 day and resident camps exist in the US. Around 9000 are overnight and 6000 are overnight among them
3- Each year more than 16 million children and adults attend summer camps
4- Summer camp jobs and employments for over 2 million are available every year
5- 44% of camps offer programs for persons with special needs and disabilities

The above compilation on Top 5 summer camp trends 2017 is to bring awareness and knowledge about the recent focus among the camping industry. With the above points summer camp trends are marching in collaboration with the issues of the world. These offer more and more healthier choices which are sure to benefit our children in many ways

Check campnavigator resources for more, we have some of the most wonderful summer camps and special programs in addition to summer camp jobs.

Share ahead and keep writing us, we love hearing from you!

By Minu Manisha