Summer Camps for Special Needs Children

special needs

Parents of children with special needs may have initial concerns when looking into Summer Camps and trying to find one that fits their child’s needs and gives them the attention they need. Well, worry no more. There are plenty of camp options for your child, and it’s just a matter of narrowing them down and deciding what option is right for your family.

All camps are required to make reasonable accommodations for children with Special Needs. This means that any mainstream camps you may have your eye on are absolutely valid options. These types of camps work to integrate children with disabilities into the larger camp population, providing an experience full of diversity and many possibilities.

However, if you would like your child to have more specialized care and attention during their camp experience, there are many camps specifically catered to children with mental, physical, or health disabilities. Some camps are even geared towards specific types of special needs, such as certain chronic illness, mental impairments, etc. These camps will give your child a perhaps unique opportunity to meet and bond with others who share similar experiences.

Whichever of the above options you choose, you will find a great number of camps for your child. All that is left is to narrow down your choices according to price, location, etc. Also, be sure to do your research on the camps you are looking into and see if they are certified, if it is necessary. Talk to camp directors about your child’s needs and make certain that they have the knowledge and experience required to properly attend to them.

All kids, those with special needs included, will find vast benefits in attending a summer camp. The normalcy of a camp environment will be a welcome change for kids. A summer camp will also allow your child to safely explore their independence without you as a parent having to worry. They will also get to make new friends, exercise and do fun activities, learn new skills, and enjoy their summer to the fullest.

-Shreya Wadkar