FastTop 10 Reasons Why Summer Camp is important for Children in School

students life

As a parent all we ever wish for our little one’s is enrichment and entertainment with the most important rule Safety being intact. And with summer around, the amazing and fun-filled camping activities have already started taking shape.

If we have ourselves been to a camp we would know the importance of summer camp in students life, and why summer camp is important for kids of any age. Specially for kids attending school, since they keep the momentum going rather accelerating the desire to learn and explore. A break for summer may cause laziness and TV to take up most of their time. The profound positive impacts and benefits of attending a summer camp are known to us already.

But for parents who by some reason have missed attending a summer camp in their school age would not understand the importance of summer camp in school. For them the importance of summer camp in students life isn’t this prominent and they may make choices which deprive their little ones of the invigorating and scintillating fun these summer camps promise. So we have a compilation here on top 10 reasons why summer camp is important for children in school.

Importance of summer camp in students life:

For everyone who have attended a summer camp, they swear by the drastic transformation they have seen in themselves and how their interactions with environment changed from then. A child not only learns to take charge of their own selves, but also understand basic life skills in as practical way as possible. Hands on experiments of interpersonal skills, relationships and coping with homesickness makes the child self-confident and self-sufficient

1- At summer camps children learn about social skills:

When children are away from the fathers safety parameters and mothers comforting zone; they begin to explore social settings around. Their social skills see many new dimensions and they begin to interact with people unknown to them so far. Being alone at summer camp day and night, makes them begin to trust each other, take care of each other, find fun and enjoyment with each other and develop really strong bonds for life. They learn to respect each other, cooperate with each other and learn to negotiate or resolve a conflict.

2- Summer camp prepares kids to face challenges:

At summer camps, most children are away from the comfort of home for the first time. Its exciting as well as challenging for them since they are managing most of their needs by themselves. They learn to face challenges with utmost spirit and learn the value of determination. Since they feel safe among kids of same age and stage, they begin taking healthy risks which promotes a sense of taking charge. Their never give up attitude is enriched and strengthened by constant support and cooperation from people around.

3- Summer camps help is diversity exposure:

Summer camps help is diversity exposure:Children from multicultural backgrounds, with various beliefs and levels of knowledge come together and share the most enriching few weeks at summer camp. They learn about diversity and life. Their experiences with such large group may have been minimal to none prior to summer camp and here they are living with such diverse setting of people. Everyone has their own ways of doing things and when kids see something more unique and efficient they tend to grab it as a habit.

4- Summer camps are mostly amid natural settings so kids attune with nature:

Many children may never have gone for camping with family prior to summer camp, and their distinct stay amid nature and in natural setting brings them close to understanding life and living. Everything from birds, animals, plants and flowers, mountains, landscapes and more makes it enriching and enchanting for little campers and it brings them close to nature.

5- Summer camps instill leadership and managerial skills:

It is very important for children to learn leadership skills and when they are at summer camps, these become organic and natural. Children face challenges, make decisions and are given choices to pick their own. They gain understanding of problem solving skills and how decisions are made. Children feel empowered and are less likely to be affected by peer pressure. They take challenges with utmost grit and spirit.

6- Summer camps help in building strong friendships for life:

Summer camps bring children together in most unusual settings, they tend to develop very strong friendships and most of these are cherished for life. There are examples where kids connect so wonderfully with peers and camp counselors that they build memories for life. Their entire understanding of relationships becomes so clear and enriched.

7- Summer camps help in career planning too:

career planningChildren when exposed to some special skills like sports, art or literature may even develop keen interests. Learning detailed and structured skills may even help them pick their forte and take it ahead from the camps. Most sports stars and artists have attended some camps in their youth and gained so much from them that they took these skills for their professional life ahead. These skills help in giving a brief of any stream and this helps the children understand what and how these go ahead.

8- Summer camps gives immense physical activities for the 10 weeks of holidays:

At summer camps a wonderful curriculum is maintained for physical and mental activities. Kids otherwise would have stayed tuned into TV or tablets at home. It is very difficult to get the kids out with so many video games at PS, XBOX, Nintendo and many more attracting their attention. It is important for kids to be physically fit and involve in outdoor activities. Summer camps also have some challenging sports activities which raise the spirits and adrenaline levels high.

9- Summer camps build memories for life:

build memories for lifeSummer camp experience for a school going kid is unmatched and stays a special memory for life. Everything they do and learn occupies a lovely space in their minds and they cherish it for years ahead. This can be easily understood by parents who have attended these summer camps in their early years. There is no better memory than the times spent at summer camps, which are way up in the scrap books the kids treasure for life

10- Summer camps boosts self- confidence and help in gaining resiliency:

Children when away from the comfort of parents and home learn to face failures and rise up ahead with so many like minded people around. Challenges help them gain a lot of self confidence and boosts their morale. Even their failures help them overcome these and keep their spirits high to accomplish better goals ahead. These skills are very important in personal and professional life ahead. The more confident a child is about themselves the better it will help them take decisions for their life ahead. It prepares them for real challenges in life ahead. And falling back with spirits high keeps stress and disharmony away from them

Why Summer CampThe above compilation on Top 10 Reasons Why Summer Camp is important for Children in School is to help parents understand how and why summer camps are so significant for every child, also importance of summer camp in students life. Most of us may have already picked a wonderful summer camp for our child, but for those yet to decide check campnavigator resources for we have the most exclusive list and details for summer camps and special programs.

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By Minu Manisha