Understand your Camp Counsellor

Camp Counsellor

While CampNavigator.com helps you identify the right camps conducted by the most experienced organisations with rich expertise, try your hand with the necessary home work to satisfy self. This little home work is presented in a condensed format in each recommendations specified on CampNavigator.com.

Among the many important personalities involved in a camp, the counsellor plays a pivotal role in the next one week or so, on the camp and will leave an everlasting impact on the camper.

Basically the counsellor in summer camps for teens and kids is the most interacted person on the camp site. The consellor must be educated with flexible approach and must be an easy learner about the various traits of different kids hailing from diverse backgrounds. Prejudism and partaility will not work in a camp culture. He or she must posess good character, integrity and adaptability.

It is most important for all of us to understand that experienced organisations employ individuals after assessing their enthusiasm, sense of humour, patience, self control and presence of minds. Though the curriculum of the camp is stipulated, it is the skillset of the counsellor that helps each participant enjoy the entire process. They must be abled to encourage campers plan the ways and means to participate in camp stipulated events and activities.

Most importantly they must enjoy working with the kids and not consider it as a monotonous ritual. By doing so the campers really enjoy the outing, making them to yearn for more.