11 Ways on spending quality time with your child


While everyone is busy in their own lives, and running to get their daily tasks on schedule; it is important to secure a safe time with your child too. As much as you can, ensure being an active part of their growing up years and adopt ways on spending quality time with your child. The amount of time does not matter but quality time where everyone enjoys every bit of it, is important. As a mother and a 5 year stay at home mom, i had the privilege of being the go-to friend for my little princess ever since. And then the dynamics changed when i resumed work, initially the crunch of being able to manage and do it all. And then more rigorous routine at home, at work and at my little one’s school.

So i began exploring ways on spending quality time with your child. Not only to make the child happy but strengthen the family bond too. Recent studies suggest that quantity of time does not matter as far as whatever time available is spent wisely. A little extra care for the things that matter to your child must be set up as high priority and the rest can be taken up one at a time. Be a part of their beginnings and endings for the day, and by part this asserts “quality” A morning 15 minute yoga or a walk or fun at nearby park with children, is far better than spending hours around them but busy in our own chores. A bedtime story is definitely enriching and important to help your child imagine and think.

[Read: Benefits of summer reading camps]

Bible says,” Children are a reward from the lord” and we must, in every way possible, spend as much time with our children as possible. For they are the blessings and gifts life has bestowed upon us. Despite our hectic schedule, it is possible to find quality time with your little ones. And this makes the difference between an anxious-upset child and a happy-secure child.

[Read: How music benefits children]

Some ways on spending quality time with your child include:

1- Mark your first 15 minutes of the day for your children:

Mark your first 15 minutes of the day for your childrenA little stretch of 15 minutes in the morning to enjoy the first fresh moments of the day together, makes a whole lot of difference. Just a walk or biking at the park with your little one makes it a thoroughly loved time for your family.

2- Calls in between:

Calls in betweenFor both the parents working, the challenges of finding time together as a family are even more complex. But you may make a few calls to each other in between. If the day care or school permits and if possible fix up a time everyday or every few days to talk.

3- Send notes:

Send notesFor moms it is easy to just pack a whole lot of love and blessings with the lunch box. As a habit we have been sending cute notes in all her lunch boxes from when she started reading. From “mom loves you” to “surprise tonight” to sending stickers and many more, it has been truly an exciting part for my kid at her school. Infact now we have started getting notes from her too and they are truly worth spending time together

4- Dinner together:

Dinner togetherBreakfasts and lunches are unscheduled and away from each other but adopt this dinner together policy to enrich family bond and spend some wonderful time discussing about the day. Even preparation for dinner and arranging the table are lovely additions which little ones love to discuss and boast about.

5- Game nights:

Game nightsWeekdays are tough for most of us, so a Saturday must be specially marked for family board games. Though its more than just a Saturday night, most part of Sunday too gets used up as the games are so engrossing. But the enjoyment and fun that comes with this ritual, is just amazing. Our board games include some really invigorating and challenging ones too, so the little one gets some lovely time in addition to building logical and analytical skills

6- Make space for their activities:

Make space for their activitiesIf you little one likes to go biking or swimming or library, space out some hours in a week for this activity. Also as parents you may take chances if both of you cant manage that time together. Story time and STEM based activities at library are wonderful for children and most have family time fun involvement too. This would not only help in enjoying time together but also build a lasting impact on your child making them feel special and important.

7- Road trips:

Road tripsPlan for road trips together or camping once in a while. A long weekend is the best way to have some 24 by 7 fun with your little one. Do include some fun filed activities like beach, fishing, camping, hiking and many other. These would not only make it adventurous but help in enriching your family bond too

8- Do household chores together:

Do household chores togetherAnything from cooking to cleaning to laundry and grocery, children can be a part of every activity. Children get some practical life skills while immense quality time is spent together. This will help in training your child with essential survival skills too. And getting the work done becomes a fun activity

9- A 5 Minutes fix:

A 5 Minutes fixEvery evening be sure to fix 5 minutes at least to ask your little one about their day. This can also be made fun with pajama walks post dinner and while strolling in the park, you sit for a 5 minute fun talk. This would mean more than hours spent together, if you listen and cheer them for their accomplishments in the day, that makes them have more self-confidence. Never stop them from elaborating but try and keep it as an ongoing thing.

10- Pretend play and other games:

Pretend play and other gamesWhenever you can, sneak out a few minutes from your busy schedule, just play their games. Be their little doll or patient or friend in the pretend play act and enjoy their make-believe concepts. Of all the games you see, participate in those which are your child’s favorite. This is a great way to enjoy some quality time too.

11- Digital detox:

Digital detoxStart adding more time to your routine by fixing a digital detox routine for your family. Where everyone leaves their gadgets and mobiles for a few minutes and just plays or talks together. Be sure to not keep your cell phone busy while you play or talk to them. This undisturbed time spent together would be the most cherished and loved time for your family

The above compilation on “11 Ways on spending quality time with your child” is to help us all in finding time for our little ones and enjoy growing up with them. And more than effort we need imagination to sneak in as much time-together as possible. This will help in making your child feel loved, happy and secure. This will have an impact in their whole life ahead. How they shape up as individuals and how closely are they bonded with family. Their self-confidence and self-esteem is strongly inspired by those fun times spent together.

Check campnavigator for wonderful listings on summer camps and other special needs programs. Be sure to pick your fit soon!

And keep sending us your feedbacks, we love hearing from you!

By Minu Manisha