West Kentucky Community and Technical College to host STEM and Drama camps

West Kentucky

Camp Navigator advisers have found that West Kentucky Community and Technical College is all set to host summer camps, starting this June.

Meant for seventh to twelfth graders, the camps will give the campers a chance to delve into fascinating engineering and scientific subjects via. classroom presentations, demonstrations, hands-on activities, field trips, and contacts with science, technology, engineering, and math professionals.

The cost for the STEM camps is $75 per student with maximum of 20 students in each camp.

Boys Only Camp (seventh-twelfth grade), June 2-6, 8 a.m. – 4 p.m., Crounse Hall, Room 222.

No Boys Allowed Camp (seventh-twelfth grade), June 9-13, 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. daily, Allied Health Building, Room W205

Besides STEM camps, kids can also enroll in creative exploration drama camps. There campers will be introduced to their creative side while learning all elements of play production and performance. They will get to build and set the stage for two shows as well as participate in two one-act performances.

The cost for the drama camp is $75 per student. A maximum of 45 students can participate in the camp.

Creative Exploration Drama Camp (sixth-ninth grade), June 9-13, 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. Student Center.

Students can also avail scholarships for the above camps at McCracken County students through the McCracken County Community Career Endowment.

For those interested, know that the camps are filling up fast. So early registration is encouraged. To register, call (270) 534-3335.

For all kinds of information on summer camps, write at info@campnavigator.com or call 1-855-campnavigator ( 1-855-226-7628).