Westchester summer camps give wings to kids dreams


Registering at Westchester County Parks is giving wings to kid’s dreams. The County’s Summer Camp call is welcomed by kids of all sections. Whether they are nature lovers, sports buffs or music talented, every one has a camp specifically designed.

The Perfect Pitch and Swing Baseball Camp offers seven sessions for kids in the age group 8-12, at V.E. Macy Park in Ardsley. The sessions include extensive training in latest game techniques by experts. The one week sessions kick start from June 24 and run up to Aug 09.

For the boys and girls, Slam Dunk Basketball Camp, is ideal for studying in grades 1-9. There are well designed camps for different grades. Session durations and curriculum varies with grades. The sessions include extensive playing tenures under the guidance of experts. The one week sessions kick start from July 01.

Then there is a Hole-in-one junior Golf camp for kids of ages 10-17, A volley ball camp for girls studying grades 6-10 and Ecology Program for children studying grades 1-6.

However the most interesting the outdoor camp for 7, 8 and 9 graders. And the sessions include a bouquet of innovate ideas like radio-tracking wood turtles to map reading during the Conservationists in Training program offered at Cranberry Lake Preserve in North White Plains and the Trailside Nature Museum at Ward Pound Ridge Reservation in Cross River.

The last is for the music lovers, who would like to learn from the experts in band and orchestral instruments, as well as keyboard, guitar and recorder. The camps are for from grades 3 through 12. Whatever be the camp the camper could be assured of unlimited entertainment all the way.