Will the economic slow down play spoil sport on summer camps

Financial crisis

Financial crisis has been contagious across the nations. Europe’s troubles and slowing growth in China are hurting American factories in a big way. Even the employment sources do not send good signals at the movement. Will this affect the summer camps for kids and teens. However till date there is not a case reported in this regards.

Summer Camps are a part of ethnic American culture and have been in existence for more than hundred years. Even in the 2009 when the world was experiencing the worst financial setback in the form of recession, summer camps did thrive.

The reasons is mainly due to the philanthropic interests of the American public who largely contribute for society well being. The many grants that are available do help the camper tide over the financial burden.

Another interesting feature of the developed culture in our country is, most of them plan ahead for the Summer Camps as it is not an overnight affair. In general camps are the best after-schools to aid in academic excellence, athletic aspirations or satisfy the adventurous spirits with novel initiatives.

On the whole, summer camps are the best way to entertain and enthrall children during the after-school times.