YMCA To Hire 400 For Summer Camp Jobs In Jacksonville Area


Anyone looking for a seasonal gig? Some wonderful openings are in line. For all you enthusiastic and dynamic people, here’s your chance to become a role model and add some wonderful credits too. Ample opportunities and diverse roles, so grab your chance now.

The YMCA of Florida’s First Coast are hiring 400 people for their 2017 summer camps. These seasonal positions will include Camp Director, Camp Coordinator, Group Leader, lifeguards and sports camp counselors. For volunteering options they have nurse openings, with additional free resident camp tuition for up to two children for one week of camp.

[Read: Reasons why to work at summer camp this season]

YMCA has the legacy of successful summer camps over the years. Their summer camp programs are available at several branches in addition to its camp Immokalee in Keystone Heights.

To check more about their camp locations and available positions check FirstCoastYMCA.org

[Read: Types of summer camp jobs]

Be sure to check campnavigator for more camp listings and camp jobs. Your one stop partner fulfilling all your child’s summer enrichment needs in addition to some exceptional work opportunities. Share ahead and send us your feedbacks, we thrive to bring you the most exclusive options from around.

By Minu Manisha