Traditional summer camps are experiences from the old school way of life. The ideal traditional summer camp will be a woody place with hiking, canoeing and campfires, in addition to music, dance and sport based activities. There are ample traditional summer camp activities which not just help in bringing fun filled learning for campers but also help them experience the traditional routine. So for all the kids who would be attending and the parents who wish to know what to expect in terms of traditional summer camp activities, here is your guide.
Learn some of the best traditional summer camp activities:
Summer camps mean fun and independence with the most important experience of a lifetime. Those kids who go for summer camps are better in control of their own self and they have had the most memorable experiences of their life. Attending a traditional summer camp is exciting and fun, with simplified and yet interesting activities as a part of the thrill. Some of the best traditional summer camp activities include:
1- Arts and Crafts:

Art and craft is all about bringing immense learning with fun in addition to motor skill enrichment. All children just love art and craft, they have their own ways of expressing them, and art brings in a lot more than just fun. Sitting back and relaxing with creative stimulation is an ideal traditional camp activity. With art and craft, kids get a wonderful platform to express themselves. It helps in their all round development and they become more and more self confident too.
2- Nature walks:

Connecting with nature is the most pleasing and intriguing activity. Nature walks give an unmatched experience of being a part of woods and wilderness, away from the stuffy indoors and pollution. Traditional camps just give the right amount of exposure to kids, in terms connecting with nature and its not just a camp activity but a lifestyle change. Kids begin finding happiness and solace amid nature and its actually the right thing seeing the sedentary lifestyles of children in the current generation
3- Non competitive team sport activities:

Kids just enjoy sports and when the sport activities are non competitive, it is just the right thing to do. Without being challenged you get to participate and hone your sport skills. Competition may cause the sport to get heated and lose the fun part. Sport when becomes challenging it can impact both physical and emotional well being. But physical fitness is important along with peace of mind. So these non competitive sport activities at traditional camps are just the right way to incorporate sport in a days schedule
4- Canoeing:

Just hop in a canoe and explore water, the most pleasing activity at traditional summer camps. Kids just love being in water and when it comes to controlling the canoe it becomes even more special. This again is a way to connect with nature and marine life. Seeing dolphins, fishes and other water creatures inspires and invigorates the kids.
5- Campfire fun:

Campfire is the most important traditional summer camp activity. A roaring campfire with starts glittering up high in sky and some deliciously smoking delicacies to enjoy with music and dance. This is the traditional way of celebrating summer camps or for that matter any camping activity. Usually the family dinner times are restricted to dinner tables and confined to the four walls, but at campfires the kids get an altogether new and interesting experience adding up to their memories forever.
6- Bed time stories:

Summer camps have been seeing a lot more reading routines from decades. For reading is probably the best activity for any child. From vocabulary, speech and knowledge to understanding and behavior; books shape everything about us. Traditional summer camps gave much emphasis to reading daily before bed, and as a way of connecting wit self before going to bed. Reading benefits are ample and these traditional summer camps aim at bringing this habit to the kids.
Check out campnavigator resources for more on traditional summer camp activities and a list of traditional summer camps around.
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