Summer camp arts and crafts for kids

Summer camp arts and crafts
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Summer is here and the fun and frolic to enjoy every bit of creative endeavor is in full swing. We all simply adore the idea of soaking ourselves in art and craft activities. And when it comes to indoor play and enrichment, the imagination and creativity is unleashed multi-folds. Not just the kids but camp counselors and parents also love being a part of the creative stimulation. Imagine clay molding, pottery, coloring, stitching and many more such artistic activities, all of these aim for inclusive summer art for kids

Summer camp craft ideas for kids under 3:

Summer camp craft ideas for kids under 3Summer camp crafts ideas for kids under 3 are specially designed and formulated for day camp establishments like library, science museums and day cares. There are some extremely involving art and craft activity ides which are sure to scintillate and mesmerize little toddlers:

1- Chalk art:

Chalk art is simply too engrossing. Toddlers love to draw with various colors and on ground. Just allow some open space with rough ground and lots of chalk in different colors. Get the kids to draw and paint the ground in colors and designs they love. It gives great fine motor skills and imagination too

2- Hand paint:

Hand paintToddlers and kids under 3 just love to hand paint. The colors used are specially non toxic and worry-free. Just give an apron, some colors and a clean sheet of paper of cloth for them to be involved in enriching ways

3- Magical water beads:

These soft crystalline magical water beads are supposedly the most stimulating of art involved play for kids this age. Just so significant in sensory development and creative explosions. Think of anything the kids can do using these from massage to arrangements, from decoration to just playing with them in a big vessel its all worth it

4- Cup cake decoration:

Any food item say muffin, cup cake, pancake or pizza; give the kids the necessary toppings and decorations and let them arrange in most creative ways they deem perfect. This gives them creative and innovative instincts at the same time

5- Paper plate decoration:

Paper plate decoration
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Stick the beads and other art stuff on the paper plates and decorate in amazing ways. Kids all ages just love this kind of art attack and they are upto some serious creative accomplishments with such

Summer camp craft ideas for preschoolers:

Summer camp craft ideas for preschoolersWhen it comes to preschoolers there must be some really planned and strategized stuff in terms of art and craft, for they need to be involved for longer periods of time. Some such summer camp art activities for preschoolers include:

1- Leaf painting:

Leaf paintingAny dry or fresh leaf can be painted using some wonderful and sparkling color combinations. Pick some big leaves which are strong and can withstand water or acrylic or oil colors effectively.

2- Stone or pebble color and art:

Use amazing themes to paint the pebbles and arrange them in really cool ways. Land painting can also be done using such. These pebbles can be arranged in sidewalk or flower pot too

3- Sand painting:

Color the sand and arrange in some amazing ways to show creative acumen. Preschoolers love to get dirty and when its for creative accomplishments camp counselors and parents are definitely up to it

4- Wine cork stamps:

Cut out a shape on wine cork and use them as stamps. Make heart, star, square, diamond and random shapes and give colors for preschoolers to dip in and paint the ways they feel

5- Paper lanterns:

For a preschooler this can be really stimulating. Using scissor and making paper lantern seems a great creative endeavor. Simply let them color the sheets of paper first and cut these to make great paper lanterns

6- Necklace using beads:

Give colorful beads and elastic thread and let the preschoolers make friendship bands or necklaces or bracelets. These are super fun and really creative and insightful for these kids

7- Ice cream stick art:

Draw people or flowers or anything the preschoolers like on ice cream craft sticks. Use paper or thread to make wonderful designs from it

8- Cardboard art:

Cardboard artMake lollipop or robots or anything from a cardboard. There are ample ways you can use the shipment boxes in utmost creative ways. Just get set and let the preschoolers paint it their way.

9- Marshmallow painting and arrangement with toothpicks and marshmallows:

The most endearing craft activity for kids with scientific bases to it. Color the marshmallows and stick them with toothpicks or straws or stirrers to form 3D shapes or designs. This is STEM based activity in addition to art and craft endeavor

10- Blow painting using straw:

Blow painting using strawThis is seemingly most interesting art activity for preschoolers. Just spill some watery color and use straw to blow it into some shapes and make a face on it for monster art

Some crazy summer craft for kids:

In addition to the above there are ample exciting and crazy summer craft for kids which are not just pleasing but also stimulating ones too. These crazy summer craft ideas for kids include:

1- Beaded keychains:

Use flat beads or shapes to decorate beaded keychains. Its a wonderful scout and guide project for kids all ages and specially during their time at summer camp. They can make such for their friends and other fellas

2- Camp banners:

Camp bannersMaking a camp banner can be truly exciting. And add more fun with competitions as to using the given set of art supplies. Let the creative juices run in and allow kids to make the best in their creative abilities

3- Walking stick craft:

Using a walking stick on hiking and trekking camps is fun, and giving a chance to kids to make crazy crafts on it is simply adorable. The kids can use from beads to colors to threads anything they wish to make their walking stick a wonderful one

4- Layered sand jar:

Color some sand in various shades and give a mason jar to the kids. Let them layer in a rainbow or colors they wish to.

5- Pine cone art:

Summer is the right time to collect pine cones and other nature delights from outdoors. Just make owls, birds and more from these by coloring and designing them in artistic ways.

6- Art postcards from summer camps:

Give the kids necessary art supplies to paint their art cards for their friends or family.

7- Tie and dye art:

Tie and dye art
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Make handkerchief or pillow covers by tie and dye art. This can be more exciting with camp t-shirt decoration. Make this t-shirt an important art activity at the summer camp and the kids get to wear their art after it dries. This can be exciting and crazy fun.

[Read: Summer camp inspired activities]

The above compilation on Summer camp arts and crafts for kids is to help camp counselors and parents plan a summer filled with creative and intellectual spurts for the kids. The more positive stimulation and enrichment the kids get, the better it is for their all round development.

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