Activities and sports for kids with ADHD


It is usual for children to forget their work, day dream and get fidgety and act without thinking. But inattention, being impulsive and being hyperactive all the time are signs of ADHD or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Parents with kids having AHDH need special guidance as its ADHD which is the enemy and not their child. They must try to adopt more and more activities for kids with ADHD.

ADHD is never easy for parent and child. It puts good parenting to test and most of the times we as parents loose our conscience over it. You must accept your child as is and find our ways to give him and happy and healthy childhood. Active kids are healthy and joyous but not all sports play well with ADHD. They have some special sport and activities which thoroughly promote health, self-esteem and team work. How children with ADHD spend their free time can improve their attention and reduce ADHD effects.

Activities for kids with ADHD:

kids with ADHDBoth activities for toddlers with ADHD and activities for kindergarteners with ADHD must suffice the basic agenda of getting the kids involved and attentive. The after school activities and sport for kids with ADH must be:

  • Enjoyable and kids should be interested in them
  • Well supervised and safe
  • Must be a perfect blend of indoor and outdoor activity
  • Ensure a ratio of one adult to 5 children max as they need more care and attention.
  • Must be timed well, as kids with ADHD are often 3 years younger in their emotional development. So pair them with younger setting.
  • Don’t push your child into an activity, let them choose their own sport

Generally kids with ADHD are better in activities they are interested in. Thus it is very important first to find what sport or activity interests your child. He or she must be able to adhere to the structured setting of the activity and be involved as much possible.

How to find an after school activity for children with ADHD:

Do not pick any activity just because they publicized well or looks appealing to you. Children with ADHD have already had many challenges at school and at home. Do not increase them further. Be sure of the below when selecting the same:

  • Be flexible: Not every ADHD child is same, what works for one may not work for other
  • Seek limited distractions and smaller groups
  • Stick to a routine. A predictable routine makes the ADHD child comfortable and let them find their own ways to establish it.
  • Work towards goal accomplishment. Do not make it a daily habit, just once or twice a week to let the child stay focussed and not over-scheduled.

Best sport activity and other activity for children with ADHD:

Always remember the success of the sport depends on two major factors; the interest of your child and the dedication of the coach or trainer. They must know the condition of your child and not punish them for their loss of attention. Its more about connecting than about humiliating them. Some of the sport activities for children with ADHD include:

1- Swimming:

ADHD children excel with structure and guidance. Michael Phelps is a perfect example. He had ADHD and swimming from early on helps him stay focussed and disciplined only to win Olympic gold. Valuable one to one time with coaches and being a part of larger team helps your child learn team spirit and get some focus too. The child learns to develop their own agenda and start competing with own record time, to excel.

The constant movement in swimming helps the child to keep up their energy levels, achieve self -discipline eventually. Swimming keeps your child focussed and also physically active

2- Martial Arts:

Martial arts are often touted as go-to sport for kids struggling with ADHD. Martial arts emphasizes self-control, respect and discipline. Step by step instruction helps the child in mastering each set. It is more structured and organized than any other sport. Thus little distraction for the child with ADHD. It also helps the child to accept and develop further.

Martial arts also involves intense mental and physical involvement. They also provide role models, rules and clear directions in addition to peer interaction. The child gets positive immersion into the sport thus promotes active learning.

3- Tennis:

Tennis is an ideal sport for individualistic kids. They love to compete with themselves to master the skill. It does require coordination, team skill and communication. Fast pace and its utmost activity helps in bringing sustained concentration to the ADHD child. And hitting the tennis ball is a great way to release any anger or frustration your child may have.

4- Drama:

Performance art is a terrific outlet for children with ADHD. It also gives a creative platform for their urges. Line memorization, regular practices, rush of being on stage sharpens concentration and places ADHD kids in centre of group effort.Drama

5- Debate:

Debate not only gets your child actively involved but also provides personal intellectual challenges. They hone communication skills, and the battle of with and one up-manship keeps the child coming back for more.

6- Running:

Running is a great enriching physical activity. Be it at the track or solo at any park, constant movement and sense of accomplishment helps in gaining self-confidence. This also calms the child’s mind and is a great way to wind down after school

7- Model building, carving, woodworking, or mechanical activities:

Children with ADHD often love to solve problems or puzzles. Building models or making things out of wood or metal helps your child learn how to turn her ideas into reality. Completing a project and having something to show for it can be extremely rewarding.

8- Art or music:

Art and music classes are two great ways to help your child express herself. Just remember that it’s not about how well she draws, sings, or plays an instrument; the most important thing is that she makes the effort.

9- Scouting:

Scouting includes lots of physical stimulation, highly structured activities that use different learning styles, a chance to hang out with other kids, close adult supervision, competition, and, most of all, fun

Worst activities for children with ADHD:

1- TV, movies and screen time
2- Video games
3- Complex board games
4- Long lines at amusement parts
5- Group sport like soccer and basket ball

The above compilation is to help parents with ADHD children to figure out ways and help their little ones in adjusting and finding their passion. Its not about the battle when it comes to containing the ADHD child, but more about being their friend and guide. They have some special skills which need little more attention and they sure can drive towards success

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By Minu Manisha