I need the Perfect Camp for my Child   Find it for me Please!

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Youth Programs at Children Camps in New York…

Who We Are ? Oasis Children's Services is dedicated to a community-oriented, holistic approach to youth development. Oasis collaborates with schools, youth-service organizations and public...

The 2013 Chicago Cubs Summer Camp…

The 2013 Chicago Cubs Summer Camp Schedule is now available and registration is open! Please see the Locations and Dates tab below for schedule details....

Summer Camps are for adults too

Why the kids alone should have all the summer fun? Even grown-ups can have a blast under the lazy, hazy days of summer, making...
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Some Popular Myths About Summer Camp Which Must Be Debunked

Summer camps are just for the wealthy or waste of money. These are a few of those myths we all have been hearing about...

Is Cheerleading A Sport, And How To Get Your Child Into...

When it comes to cheerleading, the dichotomy always prevails, whether or not it is a sport. Many swear by the fitness and activity aspects...

Top 15 Celebrities That Attended Summer Camps

Summer camps are just not an experience par excellence but an iconic tradition in the life of almost all Americans. Beginning from elementary years...
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6 Of The Best Traditional Summer Camp Activities

Traditional summer camps are experiences from the old school way of life. The ideal traditional summer camp will be a woody place with hiking,...

Know The Camping Packing List For Teenage Girls

Sending your little grown up teenager to a summer camp can be exhilarating and overwhelming. No matter how much you plan, all the details...

5 Tips To Keep Your Kids Safe At Summer Camp

Sending your child off to a sumemr camp is the most pleasing and yet terrifying thought for any parent. We know that, the experience...
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Tips For Working With Special Needs Children

A special needs child is left out in most social interactions usually. Specially the ones at school, and its not strange that these kids...

Alternatives To Weight Loss Summer Camps For Kids And Teens

Children must be given ample opportunities for outdoor fun and play. And with the increasing advancement of sedative digital age it is getting increasingly...

Summer camp care package ideas for tweens

Planned for the packing and the other details for sending your ward off to the summer camp, well you have some more fun things...
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