How to start and run a successful summer camp business

summer camp

Summer camps can be a hole in our pockets, they are so expensive that at times the costs weights far more for most of us. Why do you have to pay so heavily when theres a chance to start your own summer camp. It may seem tough but most of the time organizing your own summer camp is not only easy but also very cost effective.

How to run a successful summer camp when you are organizing it for the first time. Well don’t worry, we have a thorough compilation to help you in how to plan a summer camp program and run it successfully year after year. And all the other camps cost is now no more a hassle for you. You just need a little planning ahead and some few details of how to go about. And you are all set with your own summer camp business which is not only lucrative but also safer choice for your kids.

Basics of running successful summer camp at your home:

Basics of running summer campBuilding your own summer camp at home can be rewarding and enriching at the same time. You get involved in helping to build a community and also save hundreds of dollars too. You can make it within your own group of friends or make it public. Its all about your creative acumen and your determination to rise the summer camp ahead.

You just need some like minded parents in your neighborhood to kick off. Every parent can take turns and host a day or two or a week at their place. Some of the basics of running a successful summer camp at home are:

1- Decide your camp structure:

Do you wish to run for a few days at a stretch or weekly or biweekly. Some more aspirational thoughts on running a month long summer camp can also be easier when you clan up at proceed at home. You may have just a few parents like you, organizing the summer camp for a few days or weeks at their respective places. Keep the camper to adult ratio of 10:1 and plan accordingly

2- Choose the right set of parents as campers:

This is a very important step as not all parents can be a great camper. So pick them carefully. Don’t let the parents who just are carefree about the detailing of summer camp, be a part of your team. You don’t want to spoil the experience for any child. And its more for campers safety too. We assume working parents may not be ready but larger group is of working parents who are ready to take charge and be a part of their child’s summer experience

3- Set rules:

Rules must be set for activities, day plan, meals, sunscreen and bug spray on children, No or minimum TV hours. Don’t let anyone take advantage and and bail out on their responsibilities. Its not just about saving the money but making it a wonderful experience for all children attending the summer camp. Write details on emergency contacts, medical aid and more for stating the rules clearly.

4- Pick a theme:

A theme for each day is as important as the activities at summer camp. This helps in planning and organizing effectively too. Picking a catchy theme also helps the kids to bond well.

5- Make a schedule:

A schedule helps in keeping up with the days plan and activities. Keep ample space for free plays too as you need not over stimulate the kids. They must have ample breaks in between all activities. A timeline for the day helps in keeping the day enriching and entertaining. Also include meals and nap (if any) accordingly

Basics of running a successful summer camp business:

running summer camp businessWhen you are determined to start your own summer camp business, you need to have proper logistics instated. There are ample ground work and rules which must be read and licenses and certifications taken. Also you need a team, a safe space, some insurance and other aspects in place. Some of the basics here are:

1- Figuring out the summer camp agenda for your business:

Understanding this first step is very important. Now assume a day at your summer camp, and plan out the activities and tasks you would incorporate. First important decision is what major skill or training will the summer camp provide and whats it based on. Check sport, art, STEM, music, dance and more to pick your choice for summer camp business.

2- Find a camp site:

Discover the right space for your summer camp. The place must be sufficient, airy, safe and nearer to a park or play space. Best places are churches and religious organizations. You may also seek help from local educational organizations for suggestions and advices.

3- Pricing the summer camp:

This can be tricky if you don’t have any prior experience. You need to set a price for your summer camp. How much will it cost for a child to attend and what all facilities you would provide them

4- Marketing and advertising:

Now is the time to market your summer camp business on social and print media. Also hand over fliers and pamphlets to local organizations nearby. The more you advertise the better chances for full admissions. Email, word of mouth, local bodies and other communities must be targeted.

5- Getting a license:

Look into the local city requirements and place an application for licensing. You will also need a medical supervisor for your cam to ensure children’s safety and health, nurse and also a doctor for their suggestions. Learn about the fire evacuation plan and drill, mention in the licensing document. Be prepared for site inspections

6- Staffing for summer camp counselors and other jobs:

Not just recruiting but also background checks must be done effectively. We don’t need any sex offender anywhere near our camp site. Take criminal and sex offender checks for each candidate. Check for their certifications and preparedness. Check details on how to find a summer camp job.

7- Insurance:

Medical and liability insurance and other legal formalities must also be done on time. No site will rent the space unless you have accidental insurance and medical insurance.

8- Projects and camp basics must be set in place now:

After all the legal formalities, now its time to get everything set up. Formulate camp rules, day plan and details for both camp counselors and campers to follow. Be sure to have a blueprint of every aspect in hand before beginning the work.

Have online and in paper registrations open for parents as soon as you begin marketing and advertising. The summer camp activities should be such that keeps the children enriched all through the summer camp. Include free time, active play, structured and unstructured times and also ample fun filled games.summer camp activities

The above compilation on How to start and run a successful summer camp business, is to help you save ample money and start your own summer camp. This will give ample benefits above the expensive camps too. You just need the right rules and people along with you.

Check campnavigator resources for more updates.

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By Minu Manisha