5 Tips To Keep Your Kids Safe At Summer Camp

kids safe at summer camp
Image source: tapgenes.com

Sending your child off to a sumemr camp is the most pleasing and yet terrifying thought for any parent. We know that, the experience and learning at the summer camp would be unmatched and we also know how stimulating and inspiring it can be just to be a part of a summer camp. But the safety and security issues keep daunting us despite the fact that its a licensed and accredited summer camp.

Some tips to keep your kids safe at summer camp:

There are some pre-camp topics regarding safety of our kids which you must ensure to keep your children safe and secure at the summer camp. There needs to be open communication between parents and children which helps the kids to understand how to stay safe and what needs to be done if any alert pops up. Some of these tips are:

1- Sun safety when outdoor:

Sun safety when outdoor
image source: activitiesindustrymutual.co.uk

Sun safety is very important both for skin and health reasons. The kids must be informed how to go out in sun when away from home. Sun screens and hats in additiont to hydration packs must always accompany them whenever going out. Heat strokes are very common during summers so be sure to tell them to have ample fluids when they head out in sun. Pack juice boxes and energy drinks so they drink them whenever heading out in the sun.

2- Water safety:

Water safety
Image source: hddfhm.com

Never swim if the pool does not have any life guard on duty. Life guards are extremely important for any pool. The kids must themselves know when the pool does not have anyone they must not enter it, even if they know how to swim. Pool safety is extremely critical as the accidents here can be fatal. Specially if the kids enter deeper areas of the pool while considering them shallow

3- Insect and bug repellents:

Insect and bug repellents
Image source: consumerreports.org

Kids must always wear insect repellents whenever out in the parks or places where bugs are common. Insect bites can be poisonous too. Be sure to tell them immediate care tips for what to do if a bug bites and tell them to inform their camp counselors immediately

4- Personal safety:

Personal safety
Image source: kiddydiaries.com

Kids must be made aware of bullying and abuses. They must understand the difference between appropriate and inappropriate touch and must always inform the supervisors in case of any breach of their personal safety. Sexual abuses are extremely common in younger kids and more critical as they don’t even understand it completely and may not be able to inform too. Its always better to discuss few pointers on who touches where and which body parts must never be touched by anyone else. Also they must not talk to strangers and never get lured by candies for these are simple traps.

5- Safety if they get lost:

Safety if they get lost
Image source: survivalsullivan.com

There are chances even when we are with the kids, that they get lost around the campsites or on our summer adventurous trips into the wild. Kids must know the essential life skills and survival skills to at least sustain life for a few days. And how to seek a way out by following water stream and light.

The above compilation on 5 tips to keep your kids safe at summer camp is to help parents and caretakers ensure a healthy and safe summer camp experience for their wards. Be sure to check the camp site facility before dropping your child at the camp site. Their accreditation and licenses must be thoroughly checked before opting for any sumemr camp

Check campnavigator resources for more details and insights into summer camps and special needs programs. Share ahead and keep writing us, we love hearing from you!