While all the trick or treating lasted, it definitely mesmerized and entice us. But how about the leftovers from halloween celebration. Whatever you our your child may have grabbed will not be utilized fully. lets just say no matter how excited we are to bring in all goodies but they either end up in trash or stay hidden in the junk treasures. For a greener halloween celebration this year, we are bringing you some tips for recycling halloween treats and goodies. Not everything you get is a waste after all. Brin on your DIY self and march ahead with some creative zingers to make the most of these halloween candies and goodies bags.
Recycling halloween treats at home for a greener halloween celebration:
Dont let the halloween celebration be a wasteful one this year. First things first, only grab those which you think are useful or delectable. Dont just pick it all as most of those may not be liked by anyone at your home. And for the treats you already got from the Halloween nights celebration door to door, trick-treating; well here are a few recycling or upcycling methods:
1- Cook up a sweet and tangy treat with those candies:

Yes most of the candies can be recycled for a sumptuous treat which is delicious and also easy to consume many of those candies at the same time. Crumbled butter finger brand candy bars sprinkled over ice cream or fruits with whipped cream can be your great desert for the coming night. Decorate your cupcakes or cookies with m and m’s and chopped chocolates for more relishing and rich taste
2- What to do with the Pumpkin gut:

All those jack o lanterns and pumpkin patches are not for waste, there are ample thing you can make out of those pumpkin guts.
a- Just pick out the inside stuff which is the gut. Make pumpkin puree for all your meal additions or desert preparation, with freshly prepared puree.
b- Prepare pumpkin body scrub which is not just revitalizing but also soothing too. Mix pumpkin mashed with coarse sugar for exfoliating effects on skin.
c- Make decorative stuff with pumpkin seeds, just dry them and color them make necklaces and more from those which will add up to creativity and innovation for kids too
d- Roast pumpkin with raisins for the relishing and healthy snack mix
e- Pumpkin spice latte, all you loved for fall time fun at starbucks is right in your hands now. Just give it a try and have refreshing and brewing cuppa delight at home itself
f- Caramelized pumpkin fries which are tasty and healthy snack option. These crispy and savory delights are just awesome mid meal options for satiating your guilt ridden urges for food
3- How to recycle those Halloween costumes:

No matter it was just for a day, but we all tend to buy the most lovely costume for the season and not many of us plan in advance for discounts. The expensive costume goes out of the closet sooner than the Halloween night and of course remorse inevitably follows, why did you spend so much on the costume when all it meant for, was an evening of delight. Some ways to save on halloween costume and recycle are:
1- Buy a used costume from gently used stores or online options
2- Buy before at least 8-9 months, so you get over 60-70% discount
3- Wear costumes from past 2-3 years and put on a different make up and hairdo, make something else form it by getting creative. Add or remove some of its accessories to be an altogether different self.
4- As a mom i would always buy 3-4 sizes plus for my kid, and same outfit say her 2 year old Wicket witch with green in shirt and makeup became purple in shirt and makeup at age 3 and red at age 5, so and so forth
5- Share costumes with your friends, kids often share among siblings, friends or cousins and it gets easier to recycle them
6- Make some more additions on costume, say for a princess outfit wear one year without tiara or wand or accessories, add wand and cape the next year, pair with wings to become an altogether innovative princess with wings and so and so forth
4- Donate:

This must be the first option though, but for everyone its not possible to donate everything with just one single use. So for those costumes, treats and goodies you dont seem to find any use, and are in spick and span as ever, just donate them. Many under privileged kids all around the globe long for such and cant appreciate these blessing enough. Charity is the way for recycling with a better intent and playing your part in philanthropy
5- Save them for the upcoming thanksgiving:

Thanksgiving is a time when you share and exchange treats and gifts. Use those halloween candies and treats for this celebration. Give to kids around and elders too. It is a great way to recycle halloween goodies
The above compilation on Topmost Recycling tips for Halloween treats and goodies is to help you celebrate a greener halloween and not waste anything which has all the potential to makeup for something unique.
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