Funny Campaign Ideas For High School

campaign ideas for high school

Running for a students council position is challenging and rewarding. And specially when the campaign teaches you a lot even before you get elected. For all your reference and guidance needs here are ample campaign ideas for student council. Remember, office bearer position requires a lot of grit and amazing humor to win over everyone.

Serving on a students council gives an opportunity to participate in school governing process, and as a student representative you get to go ahead with decision making and problem solving skills. But before this, you need to win elections, as most schools have a proper voting setup for picking up their student council. You must run an effective campaign to be selected for the roles ahead

Let us first look at the campaign preparation and process:

The student council campaigns begins even before actually campaigning. The preparation phase or the research phase. This is a very important step as it gives you a basic idea of the framework and budgeting details for you to bring about a campaign in place. Some of the steps here include:

1- Requirement and eligibility:

Many schools have eligibility requirements for its student council members. These decide the qualifying criteria for anyone who wishes to contest the elections. These criteria maybe a basic GPA point, Participation in all student council meetings, no violations of school disciplinary codes in the past few months. Check them thoroughly and decide your place accordingly

2- Know the roles of student council representative:

For you to speak about the efficiency of your candidature for the opted role, it is very important to know the details of the roles and responsibilities you would have as a representative. Understanding your role also helps in designing campaign promises and slogans. You must know about the position you are willing to take up. Talk to present and past members of student council to know more about the duties, Discuss with teachers and administrator for more insights, talk to student body advisor.

3- Fill in your application form after the above two:

Many schools have an application process as petitions from youth who wish to run for the elections. These make you write in of fill in the application form with all your details, obtain recommendations from teachers, have a few students supporting your candidature by signing the petition, An essay or statement of purpose, how you can benefit the students council.

4- Submit the application ahead of the deadline to stay upfront in the election process ahead

Planning the student council campaign:

It now time to launch your campaign, as soon as you fill and submit the application. An effective and successful campaign requires a lot of strategic planning and groundwork. These include:

1- Set your campaign budget:

There are some monetary requirements for running a student council campaign. So it is better to mark these expenses and set up a budget which is manageable. The more realistic is the budget the better and smooth progress it will have on the plan. Some of these expenses can be campaign button and materials, campaign slogan and posters, campaign handouts for people attending, volunteer mementos and thank you notes.

2- Select your campaign volunteers:

Select people of various skill sets as this will helps in designing and formulating the campaign effectively. Like a good writer can help you write your speech and slogans, artists can help in designing buttons and posters. Working with volunteers for campaign can help in amazing tasks as it leverages the ideas and creativity so distinctly, helps in spreading the word, helps in developing right connections and many more. You can choose your cousins, friends, parents, friends from school clubs and more

3- Brainstorming session:

Now the actually planning begins with brainstorming. Ask questions like why am i running, whats in for me, how can i help and whats my vision, strength, message and plan of action ahead. Make notes as these will help in forming slogans and posters.

4- Create your brand platform:

After the brainstorming pick your brand, vision and mission. Pick core values of your candidacy, how you intend to serve in the said position, changes you wish to bring in, and the vast knowledge you bring in

5- Create a campaign slogan:

An effective and funny campaign slogan which is easy to memorize will not only helps you to win the minds of people but also help in gaining word of mouth popularity. It must reinforce your message, and be aligned with core values. It should be catchy and short to remember.

The campaign process:

Now begins the actual campaign process. This includes the below:

1- Make the campaign material and get them ready before hand. Check school guidelines for these and print your slogan, name, office you are running for. Posters for the school halls and outside, buttons for volunteers and supporters, banners, campaign fliers and all

2- Campaign to your peers:

make yourself visible to the competitors and all other students. The slogans and posters must be visible to all, handover the buttons thorough volunteers. Be friendly, polite and humble when campaigning to your peers.

The final step: Speech:

SpeechSpeech is given to let students and other members be aware of you and the ideas you are to bring in. Also this speech must be carefully written by a step by step process of framing, drafting, editing and final speech mock trials. Add your details and also some humor in addition to the vision you have. You must dress appropriately when you give away the speeches and do not try to make unreal promises. Be aligned with your slogan and core values. Thank the volunteers and supporters always. The above campaign ideas for student council will help in running a proper and streamlined campaign.

high schoolSome hilarious and funny campaign ideas for high school include:

1- (YOUR NAME) is the best, so lets forget the rest

2- (YOUR NAME) (YOUR NAME) , because am worth it

3- Raise your voice for (YOUR NAME) is your choice

4- Be my pal and vote for this gal

5- Don’t be shy, give (YOUR NAME) a try

6- Thor has spoken, (YOUR NAME) is your new (position)

7- Vote for (YOUR NAME) else i’ll loose again

8- Warning: voting for (YOUR NAME) causes random bursts of happiness

9- Doughnuts, pizza, chocolates; Now that i have your attention vote for (YOUR NAME)

10- Pick me as i am the one to get things done

11- I may be rookie but i am the smart cookie

12- Have no fear, (YOUR NAME) is here to make it a great year

13- Stay strong and vote for (YOUR NAME)

14- Check (YOUR NAME) coming soon at a council near you

15- Vote for (YOUR NAME) and don’t trash on any

16- If you want it done, (YOUR NAME) is the one

17- I may be small as a mouse but i am a powerhouse

18- Don’t throw your vote away, vote for (YOUR NAME) today

19- Spread the word, yes you have heard, (YOUR NAME) is the new nerd

20- Choose the best, for success

21- The girls with a smile will go the extra mile

22- Victoria’ s real secret, to vote for (YOUR NAME)

23- Vote for (YOUR NAME) , the man with a plan

24- Choice is yours, voice is ours, vote (YOUR NAME)

25- Put me to test and i shall come out the best

26- 2 4 6 8, vote (YOUR NAME) and don’t get late

27- Thank (YOUR NAME) its Friday

28- Always (YOUR NAME) for he is the right choice

30- Everyone says (YOUR NAME) is fine

31- Get power , get (YOUR NAME)

32- Get energy, get (YOUR NAME)

33- Choose (YOUR NAME) , choose action

34- Vote for (YOUR NAME) and see the change

35- Pardon me, can your spare a vote

36- I don’t just talk i do it

37- Free drinks on me, after you vote (YOUR NAME)

38- make your dreams come true, pick (YOUR NAME) as your new

39- (YOUR NAME) , is the name

40- (YOUR NAME) , one name, one legend

41- (YOUR NAME) Man on a mission

The above compilation on Funny campaign idea for high school is to help you plan your next student council elections as a thorough pro. Be sure to check your school guideline before proceeding

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By Minu Manisha